More vouchers for you this time for a hairdressers in Elgin. Not a great pic as I had the flash on but you get the general idea.
Today I want to send out a couple of messages for my friends:
Firstly to Pam who is having a rough time just now, I'm thinking of you, remain strong (I know you are). Here's hoping for much better things around the corner...meantime can I comfort you with a batch of orange muffins?!!***
Secondly I'd like to wish Karen all the very best in her new business premises, you are going from strength to strength and I think it is fab. Can't wait to visit.........
I would have loved to have come in to assist but with two loons in tow I think you are probably grateful I haven't.
In true Erika style how about a regular supply of muffins instead?
For those who don't know me that well you can see a trend in the above comments.
Anyone else for a muffin??!!*****
Which leads to another question for you, what is your favourite flavour of muffin??