Thursday, June 30, 2016

Fluttering by to join the gang at "Less is More" with a little stencil fun.

Good afternoon and how are you today?
Sunshine and showers here in the north of Scotland, it was beautiful first thing so I put a dress on, now it looks like it is going to bucket down.  A typical Scottish summers day, mack and sandals!

Today was my youngest lads last day at Primary school and we are just back from them all dooking in the sea, in uniform.  It is standard procedure for the leaving year of the school to attach their school tie to the lamp post outside the building and then head to the harbour to jump in the sea.  Brrrr!
He certainly seems to have had a super day.

Last night I got to have a wee play after finishing the last of my card orders so I decided to join the lovely gang over at the Less is More challenge blog.
This week's challenge is to use a stencil but to keep plenty of white space.

I have used a butterfly stencil by Heidi Swapp together with distress inks Twisted citron, Peacock feathers and Salty ocean.  I then stamped over the butterflies, with the stencil still in place using SU white ink and a script stamp from Stampers Anonymous Attic treasures.  I have added a bit of bling for the butterfly bodies and a few sequins to finish.  The sentiment is by Hero arts "Cheer up".
I did toy with using my  scalpel blade to lift the wings but as the challenge is LIS I have stepped away from the card!

That's all from me today, I'm out for another treatment tonight and then getting my nails done tomorrow.  I don't know what is happening to me, I seem to be going all girlie!

Enjoy your evening and more craftiness tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Don't all boys like diggers and dumpers?

Good afternoon, already, where did my morning go?
This morning I have been back to Aberlour and then I popped to work to get some goodies to take to the hospital, after my recent visit, for the nurses and staff who looked after me.  I now just have to make a card to go with it.  Get me being organised!  (It just doesn't happen normally).

On the cards today is my youngest boys last ever assembly in Junior school.  He has been walking around the house singing the song they are all performing later, which has had me welling up already.  I think I might need a few tissues this afternoon or I shall have to distract myself during the service.
I can't believe that tomorrow is his last day at school before heading up after the summer to the "big" school.  It doesn't seem five minutes since he started.

Back to some crafting and today more cards for you.  I really should get something else crafty out to do but I must do my orders first.
Today's cards are for a friend in the village who asked for two Uncle cards for a little boy who has become an Uncle at 6.  Apparently he is into diggers and dumpers.  This is what I came up with.

I have coloured the images with my copic markers, the top digger is playing in sand, aka sandpaper and the bottom in mud, aka sticky back felt.
I do hope Brydan likes them.

That's all from me today.  I'm away now to come up with a couple of cards for the nurses and doctors.

Enjoy the rest of your "hump" day, more from me tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Good afternoon and how are you today?
Another busy day for me, first thing I delivered my eldest boy to Aberlour Distillery for his work experience.  He looked very smart in his uniform.  I hope he has had a good day and has been kept busy.  I've just got to wait and see if he can make it home safely, he's been given a bus fare and timetable, the challenge has been set!
My youngest has come home today with all his work from the year.  I've had a quick look with him, lots of lovely pictures.  He has definitely had a much better year than he did last year.  Onwards and upwards.

This morning was also spent doing a big shop.  I used to do one every week before I started working for M & S but I tend now to just go once a month or maybe twice for bulk, and pick up fresh bits and bobs whilst working.  I don't know whether I actually save money shopping like that but at least the food is a lot fresher.  It certainly doesn't hurt as much as doing a big shop.  I haven't told hubby yet what I have spent today.
Is it just me, but when the cupboards are full, my lot seem to eat more?
In a couple of days, mark my words, the cupboards will be looking low again.

Enough of my chit chat, let's get onto some crafting.  More cards again.  This time more stock for me.
As yesterday's post these cards have been made using PVA glue and mighty fine napkins.

The sentiment "By the sea" is by Hobby Art Ltd.  The napkins have again been matte and layered before placing on the Kraft card.
I like this sentiment as it is perfect for different occasions.
I just can't seem to get away from a clean and simple style at the moment.  The more card showing the better!

I'm away now to start my youngest boys teachers cards and gifts.  I have cheated this year and bought some handmade goodies from my friend Kerry, more about that very soon.
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A little Scottish number!

Good evening, a later post from me again today, I think it will become a regular thing now I am working a few more hours at work on a regular basis.
Did you have a good weekend?
I had a busy one but I did get to see the new film by the creators of The Minions, "The Secret Life of Pets."

What a great film, I giggled all the way through it, which my kids normally complain about.
This time they were giggling with me.  The main character Max is a Jack Russell like our Holly and the mannerisms and characteristics are spot on.  Anyone who has a pet will thoroughly enjoy it.  The animation is just brilliant.

The reason why I was so busy last week is that hubby was away again.  I don't like to advertise the fact till he is back home but it does create quite a bit of extra work, as any single mum would back me up, the boys and the dog to run around after plus work and any cards that I am asked for.  By the end of the day I am officially "pooped!"
Back to normal this week so I am hoping to get some crafting in before working again on Saturday.  I have my youngest boys leaving assembly this week, better pack a few tissues.
That will be Primary school all done and dusted in this house.  Then I'm getting pampered on Thursday starting with the hairdressers, my last day of freedom before the kids break up.
We had planned to go away during the summer at some point but this year with 3 of us now working none of our holidays have managed to overlap.  It looks like we shall be just doing a few day trips instead.  Boo!  Hiss!
Still it isn't too bad if the weather is OK we're not too far from the beach.

When it's nice like the above photograph, why would you want the travelling and the flights?
All this is five minutes walk away.  Let's just pray for good weather.

Back to crafting and everything I make at the moment seems to be CAS, not enough time in the day!
I could play to my heart's content before I went back to work but now my time has to be juggled with everything else.  It just means that when you do get time you appreciate it more.
The CAS cards I have today have been made using napkins on a hardboard base then matte and layered to the card.  A little back up stock for when I am caught short!

I'm quite partial to picking up fancy napkins when out and about shopping.  There is so much you can do with them and a little PVA glue.  It was great to finally have a wee play with these thistles.  I think the more creases and folds when applying to the source all adds to the final effect.  
Do you agree with me?

That's all from me today England and Iceland are playing next door, there is a bit of a battle going on from what I am hearing.  The boys are Scottish so are supporting Iceland, in true Scottish style!
Hubby is on his own supporting England.  
Me I don't really care, after all the trouble it will serve them right to be out to Iceland who have been ranked outsiders for this competition.  
I am more a rugby girl, this is what I think of footballers!

LOL.  I feel so better now that is cleared up.  I'm sure there are plenty more football fans out there at the moment.  I'd rather think of it as quality crafting time.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday folks and more from me tomorrow.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's the weekend time for a smile or two.

Well folks, what do you think of yesterday's news?
It was a bit of a bombshell don't you agree?
Onwards and upwards now, lots of changes afoot.  Will it be for better or worse, only time will tell.
Moving away from that I intend to bring a smile to your face instead today, following on from yesterday I am sticking with the crochet theme and found these beauties for you.

LOL.  Now where would be the fun in that!
I so need that t-shirt.

This next one is actually for knitters but I still think it works for crocheters too.
I like the idea of being yarned and dangerous!

Best watch out then!
What's the worse we could do?
Poke you with a crochet hook.
It doesn't sound that scary but guess it all depends where you get poked!  (I was meaning your eye!)
Well really what did you think I meant?

This next one definitely should be THE uniform to wear if you crochet.

I like the addition of "killing it" at the bottom but I'm thinking it should be " I never dreamt....", but what would I know.  I have to say English language was not my strong point at school.  I did eventually get my "O" level but certainly preferred the more hands on classes like art and cooking.

Finally today I have a little audience participation for you, or should I say a quick question for you.
This got me thinking and I thought it would be a good thing to share.

Now those of you who regularly pop by usually come up with some great answers that really make me LOL.  What would be my warning label be?
On a crafty front "If she's in the zone leave alone!"
On an everyday front "If tired, give a wide berth!"

That's all from me today, enjoy your weekend folks.
I have the weekend off.
What will I get up to?
Well I have the usual boring stuff to do but I am going to try and bribe the boys to go to the cinema with me, I need a child to go and see The secret life of pets.
I so have been looking forwards to seeing this movie, at last it is here.
I hate it that my boys are getting too big for cartoons 'cause I love them.
Also on the cards, did you see what I did there, a little craft time, it would be rude not to.

Have a super couple of days, I hope you get plenty of sunshine, joy and crafting.
More from me next week.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Time to get hooked on a little oldie this Friday.

Good morning and how are you this Friday morning?
It's that time of the week again, dig out your oldies for the fun of it and join me looking back on your crafty journey.  I'd love it if you'd join me sharing either a previously posted item you have made, or something that you made previous but haven't blogged.  I will visit all who link up below over the weekend and can't wait to see what crafty nugget you have picked.

Today I thought I'd get my hooks out again, it's been a while.  I am still working on my blanket but not many hexagons get made in a week.  I like to pick it up now and again when the mood takes me.
This was my first attempt at an animal and I was really happy with the results, certainly the recipient loves it, I have it on good information that it is carried everywhere by the ear.
That's just what he was designed for.

I know his internal ears should have been pink and his fluffy tail white but as it was for a new baby boy I went with baby blue instead.
The pattern is in this book.

I just wish I could make them quicker than I do.
Still I always want to run before I can walk!

That's all from me today, I am looking forwards to seeing your crafty makes over the weekend.
I'd like to thank all of you who do join me regularly, I do enjoy my wee hop at this time of week.
It only remains for me to wish you all the very best for the coming weekend.  I am off this weekend, yippee.
It might be a thing of the past, but more about that soon.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Leaving the flying life behind to go for a good walk ruined!

Good afternoon, I missed a post yesterday, whoops, by the time I sat down I was shattered so had a quiet couple of hours before retiring.
I don't know about you but the last couple of days have been beautiful here in Scotland.  I was on the beach yesterday morning at 7 and it was stunning and dare I say warm too.  More of the same today although, as I have a day off, my walk was a little later around 9.  I'd love to say I've been out in the garden enjoying the sunshine but I've been at work, house working or card making.
Lots to do and not enough time in the day at the moment.
It always seems to get frantic as the kids wind up to the end of year, I don't know why?
Good news from my wee man going to Secondary school yesterday and again today, he seems to like it.  His feedback after yesterday was very positive, long may it remain the same way.  It certainly is a weight off my mind if he is going to enjoy it.
At least he has his older brother in 6th form for a year to keep an eye out for him and give him chance to find his feet, but to be there if needed.

Back to today and another card.  I was asked by one of my lovely work colleagues to make a card for a gentleman who is celebrating his 65th birthday by retiring, leaving the RAF behind and intending on spending more time golfing.

Inside it mentions enjoying his retirement on the golf course.  The tornado stamp is by Hobby art and it is one I have used a few times being near a RAF base, although that aircraft is no longer about.  The circles were created using my Cottage cutz circle stitched dies, a wee button for my golf ball and snippets of card and felt.

Time for me to crack on with other things, lots to do.
Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, I hope you are enjoying the sunshine where you are too.

I'd like to enter this into Pixie's Crafty workshop snippets challenge for this week, you can find her over here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Twins at opposite sides of the world.

Good evening how are you this Tuesday?
It's been another busy day up here and I've just sat down to write this with a glass of juice, that's not very exciting is it?
We had visitors at work today so I was busy making it ship shape.  The Navy training coming in.  I hope all has gone well, as I left as they arrived.  The perfect timing, making a sharp exit.
Since home I've had the boys to pick up and the dog to walk before making tea and clearing away.
It is time now to relax, I think a nice aromatherapy bath is the order of the evening.

Today I have a couple of cards for you.
Remember awhile back I made a kayak card and a rucksack and walking boots card?
These were made for twins, one who lives up here and another who lives in New Zealand.
Word got back to other members of the family about the cards and to cut a long story short I was asked if I would make a couple more as soon as I could.
The brief for both cards was no writing on the front at all.
I found this really hard as I am so used to putting either a sentiment or personalising it.
The first card which has gone to New Zealand had to have a split screen VW camper van and a black labrador.   This is what I came up with...

I took a map of New Zealand and made it the backdrop.  The VW camper is a split screen with the age on the numberplate.  Have you ever tried to colour a black lab with black marker pens, lots of black and no features of the dog.  I decided to cheat a little and use pencils so I could create light and shade, therefore seeing the features of the dog.
Brief covered!

The second card just had to have the picture on framed by a boarder.  No writing or any embellishments!
This needed a strong will to step away from the card and not add touches here and there.

On the upside, the recipient of the cards were delighted with them and it is always nice to get a phone call later to say how well received the cards were.

That's all from me today, time now to go and get supper organised for my youngest before shipping him off to bed.  He has a big day tomorrow, he's off to secondary school for a couple of days.
Oh I do hope he likes it and gets on fine.
Time for the next chapter!

Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Time for a cuddle, new baby style.

Good evening, another busy day here.  I've just sat down with a cup of tea having done all the jobs I am doing today and a busy day at work.  I even managed two walks with the dog and didn't get wet either time!  Although on that front I do think we are going to get rain tonight as the grey clouds are coming over as we speak.

Did you have a good weekend?
I had a busy day on Saturday at work, but then Saturdays are always busy.  I was fairly bushed by home time and was glad to get in and put my feet up with a large cup of tea.
On Sunday I had a few crafty friends over to play, sounds like a mighty fine play date don't you think?
It was.  Lots of chattering, refreshments and cake, the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon as all my boys were out playing together.
They were at Airsoft again running around in the woods, at one point my youngest got stuck in the mud up to his thighs, he wasn't impressed.  On the upside one of the guys passed out and managed to light a flair before doing so.  My wee man found him and got help to him, I think it was a little scary for him finding a grown man slumped over and unresponsive but at least he did the right thing and ran for help.

Back to today and I was asked to make a card for one of the girls at work for a new addition to the family.  I brought out one of my favourite digi stamps by Funky kits, I have used it loads, it is called Bambino.

I created a frame around the digi stamp Bambino which is coloured using my promarkers.  I then embossed the frame using a floral folder by Cuttlebug, with a white bow to finish.  The lettering was printed on my computer.
Another CAS card for you.

It's now time for me to pour a wee drink and go and have a couple of hours relax, maybe a little crocheting.
It's the Sewing Bee later, excited muchly!
Enjoy the rest of your evening I'll be back again tomorrow with some more craftiness.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

It's Saturday how about a creative giggle?

Good morning and how are you this Saturday morning?
Whilst I am busy working away today it has become a bit of a habit to look out some creative funny quotes to lighten the mood for the weekend.  Hopefully this weeks selection will make you smile or maybe even giggle.

This first one we have all suffered from. 
Patricia I had you in mind with this one today after recent changes to your computer. 
I find I have this problem every time we get a new computer system, printer or program.  I'm sure that I am not alone.  The Tasmanian Devil can frequently be heard from my craft room if I am trying something new on the computer!

This next quote I wish I suffered from, a little OCCD (obsessive compulsive crafting disorder!)

If only, I'd have one tidy craft room if I did.  I'm sorry to those of you who are very good and tidy but in my little sanctuary it doesn't come naturally.

This final quote I need to heed.  

As mentioned earlier in the week, I am my own worst critic of my work.  Lots of us creative people tend to be.  I think this going to be a favourite mantra of mine.  It is all about the enjoyment of the process. 

Time for me to go as this is getting a bit deep and is supposed to be light and airy, it is the weekend! 
Enjoy it, whatever your plans, create something enjoyable, have fun and more from me next week. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Time to share an oldie, sewing bee style!

Good morning, how are you this Friday?
It's the end of the week again so time to dig out your oldies.  You know the deal by now but for those who are new today I encourage you to join me sharing an old crafty project you have previously blogged or haven't blogged at all.  It is all for the joy of crafting and it is fun to see everyone's creative journey.
Before I start I would like to say a big THANK YOU to those of you who take the time to join me, I really do appreciate and enjoy visiting your blogs to see what project you have chosen too.

Today I have the Sewing bee in my head, are you watching it too?   I know a couple of you are.  I really enjoyed 60's week and would love one of those dresses with the block colours.  With sewing in mind I have stuck to card making but on this theme, you can choose any craft project you would like to, all I ask is that you made it yourself.

For this card I have used:
Stamps:  PI Vintage Sewing and "Stitch" from Andy Skinner  A stitch in time.
Paper:  TH Idea-ology Kraft resist pad.
Ink:  Distress ink Black Soot and Rusty Hinge.
Embellishments:  Idea-ology Ornate plates and brads, Pearls by Zva Creative,
Seam binding, thread and lace from stash.

That's all from me today, my task now is to tidy my craft room.  I am back to work tomorrow, that will be a bit of a shock to the system after a week off.  I bet I'll be tired come home time.
Then on Sunday whilst my boys have a bonding day out with Dad I plan on having a few crafting buddies around for tea, cake and I dare say a few giggles and a wee bit of crafting.
Enjoy your weekend. 

Don't forget to link up with me here if you are joining sharing an oldie this Friday.  I look forwards to popping by.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

For an extra special teacher.

Good afternoon and how are you today?
I hope you are having better weather than us just now?
Let's just say this mornings walk was a tad wet.  The understatement of the year!  The dog and I came home a little wet, I had worn the correct clothing for the weather so was only damp, the dog was a different matter.  This then led to the delight that is odeur de chien mouille!  (Sorry there's no accent on the e Lau, my computer says "no"!)
And the reason for changing into french, well, wet dog smell sounds more appealing than it really is, don't you think?

Today I have a card for you that my mum asked me to make for a family friend who is retiring from teaching at the end of the month.

I have used papers by DCWV and two hand buttons, together with scrabble pieces and clipart by PCHugware.  A blast from the past, I haven't used my hugware for ages.

That's all from me today, in a moment I have to take the boys for their check up with the dentist after school.  I am hoping once back home and after tea is sorted to have a little craft time due to the sport coverage.
One good thing about the football being on the TV is that I am spending far more time productively crafting.  Always good to look at the positive point of view.

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, I do hope you are having better weather us.  It's pants!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Fluttering by with birthday wishes.

Good afternoon and how are you today?
It is dreich here today, looking more like April than June.  Not a very nice walk on the beach this morning, windswept and interesting would be the best way to describe it, on the upside, it looks like perfect surfing weather.

Today I wanted to start my card making with a card for my niece whose birthday is later this week.
Now she is a very grown up for her age, as girls tend to be so I decided on a very grown up card.
This is not a normal card for me but I'm sure she will like it.

I have used watercolour card and Distress inks Squeezed lemonade, Spiced marmalade and Picked raspberry.  The stamp is by SU and has been stamped twice, once direct to the card and then on acetate.  This is not my usual colour palette but I have gone for colours that my niece likes.

I'm not sure what I was wanting from this card.  I love looking at other crafters watercolour cards but feel I never quite get the "look".  The picture in my head is never the same as reality.
I guess practise is the key!
Do I use more water or less to make the ink more fluid?!  The balance is the key.
Mmmm, I not 100% happy but then I am always very critical of anything I do, expecting perfection all the time can sometimes be hard to live up to.

I have a couple more cards to make for friends today so after lunch is made I plan on another easy afternoon playing, sorry crafting.  Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday, and stay warm and dry.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

May angels watch over you.

Good afternoon and how are you today?
The skies are blue just now, it was a little foggy and drizzling earlier, then we have lots of rain forecast for later.  All seasons in one day!  A very mixed bag.

Today after walking the dog I have been sat at the table colouring in a couple of cards, very relaxing!
The dishwasher and washing machines are all doing the work for me whilst I chill with a cup of tea and my copic markers.

My best friend asked if I could make her a card for a work colleague who is moving on to a different career.  The request was to include an angel.

The angel is a pewter tie pin which Emily can keep and wear.  The frame has been created using Sue Wilson die set Madison square and Cottage craft stitched square.  I've added a little bling to finish.
My best pal is just like me at the moment loving clean simple lines.  We are very much advocates of the LIS brigade, if there is such a thing.

More card making for me today until the boys are home from school then we have a presentation this evening at school.  My eldest boy has an award to pick up at school for his team work in rugby.
He doesn't seem at all bothered about the whole thing and would rather not have the fuss, but as his Mum I do like a "proud mum" moment!  ;)

Enjoy the rest of your day, I hope you do get a little sunshine at some point in amongst all the rain that is forecast.  On the upside it makes for a great day crafting!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy birthday splats!

Good afternoon and how are you this Monday?
Did your weekend go well?
I pottered a bit at the weekend getting back to normal.
A couple of light dog walks under my belt and a little crafting.   I've nearly finished my project but I can't show you it just yet!
What can it be?

Today I thought I would join the lovely gang over on the Less is More blog for their weekly challenge.  This week the challenge is to create a clean and simple card including splats.
Do pop over to their blog and check out their samples of splat cards, they're all fabulous.
Here is my attempt.

I have used Splat stamps by SU, the birthday stamp is by Waltzingmouse stamps and the wish die is by Papertrey ink.  The splats are in Twisted Citron and Barn Door distress inks with sequins to finish.

I've had a few card requests this week from friends, something to keep my hand and brain busy whilst not at work.  At least that way I am sat quiet whilst everything heals.  Then it is back to the grind come Saturday.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday, back tomorrow with some more crafty makes.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

A little creative clothing.

Good morning and how are you this Saturday?
I was wide awake at 5 this morning, my usual time to get up when working the early shift, only to remember I am not going in today.  Big thank you to Iain for covering my shift for me today.

My attempt to do a little food shopping yesterday left me tired so I was a good girl and put my feet up till making the tea.
Apparently there is only so much time off I am allowed when recuperating, the joys of being a Mum and not having trained my boys as well as I'd thought!

As always on a Saturday I have something to make you giggle.
Today I have something a little different but I hope it will still make you smile.  It did me.
While perusing the Internet I found this site Two chicks Designs.  As you can gather it is American site but some of the crafty T-shirt designs did make me smile.  How about a crafty cropping uniform?
Which is your favourite?
Here are a few of mine....

I definitely think that every crafter should have a creative t-shirt.  What would yours say?

I'm planning on having a quiet day today.  Lots to do but think I might start with a couple of card orders.  The weather isn't looking the best today, damp and cloudy, the perfect kind of day to stay in and craft.
Have a super weekend folks.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Remembering an oldie this Friday.

Good morning, can you believe it is Friday again, already.  Where are the weeks going?
You know the deal by now, it's that time of the week again.  Time to bring out your oldies!
Today I encourage you to repost an old crafty project or post something you made a while ago and haven't yet posted.  It can be any creative project that you have made yourself.  If you link up below I will visit you all over the weekend, sharing in the joy of all things crafty.
Today I have a little crochet project for you.

I made this hairclips for my friends little girl who is called Poppy.  You have plain red cotton, white cotton and red sparkly for special occasions.  The insides are velvet brads and I've attached them to slides using a hot glue gun.

Do you have any plans today?
I am supposed to be taking it easy but really need to go food shopping. 
I think I might just get a few bits and make do.
After that I plan on a relaxing a little in my craft room.  I have a few cards to make and will take my time.
Enjoy your weekend and thanks for taking the time to join me today, I do appreciate it and really look forwards to seeing what you've posted too.
I'll be back with more tomorrow.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

A few new projects in the pipeline. What to do first?

Good evening and how are you today?
What a gloriously sunny day we have had today and I've only just put the washing machine on now. I've missed that boat today!

I haven't anything creative to show you at the moment as I was in hospital for my operation this week.  All seems to have gone well, I'm a little tired and sore but other than that fighting fit.  Today I have spent a little more time on my current project with a few other card orders mounting up.  I need to get moving and crack on with things.
Today I thought I would show you a couple of up and coming projects.  The first is a book that a couple of my pals on Facebook had.  Now I was planning on making a stag head for my dining room using a cardboard model but when I saw these I just had to grab the pattern book.  The trouble is I don't know what I want to do first.

I am definitely making the deer, but I also love the shaggy bear, oh and the itty bitty mice are so cute too.  I think I will have lots of fun with this book.

This second gift arrived today with a beautiful handmade card from my lovely pal Gayle.
You spoil me young lady!
Gayle got me one of these cute boxes for my birthday too so I just had to show you it.

And the contents...

Each box had a different project inside, my birthday one is for a lovely patterned flannel and it had a charm and a handmade soap with it, together with all the bits including the instructions to make the project.  This time it is a wrap to keep my hooks in, a little notebook and pen with a charm and again all the bits and instructions to make the project.
Isn't it lovely?
I can't wait to dig in and give them both a shot.

That's all from me today I am away to find an oldie to share with you tomorrow.  Enjoy the rest of your Thursday folks.

Monday, June 06, 2016

Less is more, with a splash of water.

Good evening and what a cracking day!
It has been beautiful here all day.
I started a new shift at work today and now every Monday, our task to keep the place clean and tidy! The ops team made a good start today and we were all fairly pooped at the end of it.  On the upside I've had my workout for the day this morning.

When I got home I really should have started on my own housework but it was too nice outside to be inside beavering away.  I decided to take a little water colouring outside in the garden and try out my new water colour pencils that hubby bought me for my birthday.

I decided to join this week's challenge over at the Less is more blog, to create a card CAS using the colour purple.  I have used Stampers Anonymous, Flower garden stamp set together with my water colour pencils to create this simple card.

I also added the sentiment by Waltzingmouse, three pearls and a bit of glitter using Tattered angels Glimmer Glam paint just on the very tips of the flowers.  The glitter is very subtle, so subtle the photo doesn't really show it well, but in real life it just catches the light and brings the flower alive.

That's all from me today I'm away to work a little more on my project before watching the Sewing Bee, I wonder what they'll be making this week?
I love that show.  Do you watch it?

Saturday, June 04, 2016

A little something for the weekend?!*

Good morning and welcome to the weekend.  I would say yippee but I'm on earlies today at work, I'm sure it will be a busy one, Saturdays always are.

I was wandering around the Internet yesterday looking for some creative funnies to share with you and it seems that I am running a little low.
I did however find these instead and they made me giggle so I thought I'd share with you.
First the perfect gift for someone who is, dare I say, a tad uptight!

I think everyone could do with a chill pill jar, don't you?  For those "special" occasions when things aren't going to plan.

I don't know about you but I was once told, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

I like this suggestion far better.  I shall bear this in mind next time a man annoys me rather than cooking steak and chips!
So that is a jar of chill pills and a sword, anything else I should be aware of?

This one is for all you cat lovers, plus it did make me smile.  The look on that cats face, and the note.
You would just let it out, wouldn't you?
Then it would maul you to death.

Not the usual creative smiles this week but I still hope that they made you giggle a little, well it is the weekend after all.
Have a good one folks, hopefully you'll have some good weather and time to get creative.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Thank crunchie it's Friday, time to bring out an oldie!

Good morning I hope this finds you all well this Friday?
I can't believe that is another week under our belts.  Where is the time going?
You know the drill by now, each Friday I reshare a previously posted project encouraging you to join me too.  It can be anything you have previously posted or just something you've made in the past and not yet posted.  It can also be anything handmade.
It is lovely to see all the variety of crafts out there and all the talented crafters.  I really appreciate everyone of you who joins me and will visit all who link below.

Today's oldie for you is this...

For this card I have used papers from MME Miss Caroline, isn't it cute?  I love the little butterflies.  The sentiment is Inkadinkadoo Thoughts for the day and the Spellbinder dies are D-lites Ornamental tags two and Les Papillions two with pearls to finish.
In the Papillion set of dies you two dies of each butterfly I have used one to cut the butterfly paper and the other to cut the butterflies.  One cuts a clear butterfly shape and the other cuts a filigree butterfly.  I do like this die, why do I not use it more often?

That's all from me today.  I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have joined me today.  I'll be back later to see what you have picked.
Don't forget to link up below, hopefully it is working today!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Ding dong. Wedding bells are ringing.

Good afternoon and how are you today?
It looks like rain here today, the dark grey clouds are coming over, such a shame as it was beautiful earlier.  Still I'm sure the garden will enjoy a bit of water.

Today I have a card made for one of the staff at work.  It has become the norm for me to be asked to make a nice card if one of the members of staff has a special celebration.  This time we have a wedding coming up, this member of staff is a keen horse woman.  With that in mind there was only one thing I could use.

Horse shoes.
Now I don't know whether getting a horse shoe is as popular as it used to be.  I certainly got one, as did my mother.  Did you?
This is an 8" card and the colour scheme is green.  I have coloured the shoes with my copic markers and printed the details on my computer.  The satin ribbon is from my stash.
It is my donation to the whip round for the special day.

As to the plans for the rest of the day?
Dare I say more ironing?  The joys!  Not.
I shall be working again on my current project and catching up on a little housework too.
This morning I have had my hairdresser head on, trimming my hair and colouring it.  What a difference it makes to your frame of mind to get rid of those horrible roots.  What the back looks like, I don't know, but then I can't see it, should I care?  LOL.

Can you believe it is Friday again tomorrow?  Where does the time go?
Are you joining me with an oldie?
I better go and see what I can find.
Enjoy the rest of your Thursday.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

The wind has hit my sails!

Good afternoon, no show from me yesterday.  I had planned on posting but things changed and I didn't get back to the computer later in the day, why?
Well, it was my birthday yesterday.  Another year under the belt!
I started the day with a nice walk and then had a holistic massage, very relaxing.
I was just back in time for lunch which hubby made for us all and then I was dashing off to the hospital for a pre-operation check.  I know I have not mentioned anything because it has all happened very quickly.  My op is scheduled for next Wednesday, it is a routine procedure so all being well I should be home later the same day.  That is if there isn't a emergency or something else that may happen out of anyone's control!
Plans have all had to be changed hubby was supposed to be away that week and now can't go as I have to have someone about for the first 24 hours.  I was also due to start a new shift pattern this month with a few changes and extra hours.  That looks like it will all go to pot, whoops!
Still if all goes well I shall be better for having the procedure done and dusted, providing all goes well.
Giving blood and having a good check up wasn't initially part of my birthday celebrations.
The day got better though as in the evening the family all went out for a lovely meal at a pub in the next village.  Then back for birthday cake and a celebration drink!
I did very well, I have some lovely cards and flowers, some sweeties, a lovely crochet kit, a gift voucher for a mighty fine stamping company, a spa day to enjoy with my BFF, Outlander first series on DVD, watercolour pencils and colouring book, smellies and money from family.
Didn't I do well?!

Back to today I and I am moving over from the spotlight to show you the project my youngest boy brought home recently.  I was so impressed with it I thought you might like to see it too.
Their project was on wind farming in art.  (I know, bit of a strange project.)
This is what he made.

Isn't it a super Eco model of of wind turbine?
I thought he'd done a great job.
Then he showed me this picture created using pastels.

I love the bright colour combination.
But the strangest thing, around the same time my brother sent him a birthday card on the same theme.
Now he couldn't have known as he lives at the other end of the country and we don't see him that often, usually once a year if we are lucky.  It did make us smile though as it was so topical in our house at the same time.

Arh, my brothers sense of humour coming out on this card!  Or is it just a man thing?
It did make my son and I giggle though.

That's all from me today.  I'm still working on a couple of projects that I can't share right now.  To be honest I think I might be a while.  I also have about a dozen CAS cards sat half made by the computer.  So much to do I don't know where the time goes!
Enjoy the sunshine folks, it's glorious again up here today.  I keep saying to myself, I should be outside enjoying the sun and not in by the computer.  It is such a waste of good weather!
Catch you again tomorrow.