Monday, May 30, 2016

A little green fingered interlude!

Good afternoon to you and how was your weekend?
Did you have the glorious weather we did?
I've actually caught the sun!
That doesn't happen very often up here.  I'd like to say long may it remain but today is a totally different day, overcast and dull but it may improve later in the day.  Here's hoping.

I got my green fingers out this weekend and planted a lot of bedding plants, all my pots are now sorted apart from one large trug which I haven't decided what to do with yet.
The garden is looking a whole lot tidier, both hubby and I did it between us, we tried to enlist the boys but the eldest was working and the youngest was plugged in.

At the moment I am working on a bigger project and it is something I have not tackled before, as a crafter I am finding it quite exciting!  And dare I say, not as difficult as I expected it to be.  As I can't share until it is completed I thought today I would update you on my horticulture, after Chelsea last week I have fairly got the bug again.

The sweet pea has started to bloom and it smells divine.
I am just waiting for more flowers so I can start cutting them to bring in.

My four tomato plants are ready for replanting into bigger pots which shall be occurring later today, before they start to flower.

My youngest got this cactus for his birthday one year when he was about six.  I know a little different!
It only had one stem not the seven it has now.  The reason I show you this is because I have never seen such a droopy cactus.  I guess it might need more water than it is getting?  Or do you know otherwise?
I am afraid when it comes to the cactus plant I have very little knowledge.  I will say that this particular plant flowers every year without fail with loads of little pink flowers, that don't look real, but they are.

I've never known another cactus flower as much as this one.  It does really well considering it is mostly ignored with just the occasional water.
My house plants all thrive on neglect!

I popped into work on Saturday and the staff pointed me towards some of our plants that were reduced so I picked up these little beauties.

Do you like my wellies?
The plants were looking a little sad so I have dead headed them and given a good water.
They seem to be coming back strong as they looked a little sad in the shop.
I also picked up this......

....too spicy, hot, hot.  It was worth it just for the volume of chillies on it, I've already removed a couple which were ready.

My pots although all planted are needing a few weeks for the plants to grow, I am hoping for a good display later in the year after getting down and dirty all weekend!
Only time will tell.

That's all from me today, I have a couple of cards to make for friends today and really should tackle the ironing again, already.  I'm sure my ironing pile grows hourly!
Then it will be back to my project, mmmm, what can it be?

Now I don't normally leave you with a smile on a Monday but I found this last week and it did make me smile, so I thought on a Monday?  Why not!

I think this would be as near as I would get to an Apple watch, how about you?
It might get a little smelly after a few days.

Have a great weeks folks and enjoy the rest of your Bank holiday Monday.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

It's Saturday time for a little creative giggle.

It's the weekend and I am off work again, yippee.
That will all soon change though as I am changing my hours next month to add a few more on a permanent basis, still very part-time so plenty of time to craft too.  So all is good.  It will mean however that I only get one full weekend off a month, making it more special as I do get plenty of time during the week too.

On to today and it has become a bit of a trend to have a few creative funny quotes on a Saturday, lightening the load for the weekend and hopefully bring a few smiles too.
Here are my offerings for today.

I don't know about you but I love some of the posts that have come about with the advent of Pinterest.
You know the ones.....where people create their version of something they've viewed and then photograph their attempt with the words "nailed it".  The said photo being nothing at all like the inspirational photo from Pinterest.
With that in mind I saw this and laughed so much I had to share it.

I think it is really funny and very creative.  Who lays on their bed thinking this morning I am going to be a snail?!
There has been many a morning I have felt like a snail but I've never done anything about it.
I love it.

Next when someone admires your work and it's not really your work.  Whoops!  Would you......

Just because I didn't doesn't mean I can't, LOL.  :D
It is true that you can't do everything yourself but I was very much brought up to give anything a blooming good go before admitting defeat.

Finally is this you?

I definitely fall in to this category.
Next time a complaint is made about the state of my craft room I shall be referring back to the above.
You never know when something will come in useful.

That's all from me again today, have a super weekend folks.  I have no plans as yet but I might be going out Saturday night.  A Saturday night!   That doesn't happen very often.
More about that next week.

Friday, May 27, 2016

It's Friday, again, time to share an oldie.

Good morning, have you got that Friday feeling?
I'm doing an extra wee shift at work today so I haven't got that feeling yet but it is my weekend off after that.  
I'm sure that feeling won't be far away!

As it is Friday it's time again to share an old crafty project that you've made yourself and either previously blogged or not blogged at all.  
It's good to share in the run up to the weekend.  
I have added a link below should you wish to join me, I hope you do and if you do "THANK YOU" for taking the time to play along.  I will visit you all back and comment.

Today's card is fluttering by with a butterfly.

Card:  Black textured card from American craft and Tim Holtz Kraft resist (inc butterfly).
Ink:  Black soot distress ink and Broken china distress stain. 
Embellishments:  Tim Holtz Adage tickets, Tissue tape, Stickles Star dust and wire from stash.
Spellbinders:  Shapeabilities Parisian accents.
Punch:  Martha Stewart DEP Scroll heart.

It only remains for me to wish you all the very best for the coming weekend.  
May you have lots of fun, a few giggles and maybe even a little crafting!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ahoy there shipmate!

Hello folks and how are you this Thursday?  I hope you are all well?
It is a lovely sunny day here now after the clouds have cleared, time to get off my computer and out in the sunshine instead.

Today I have a CAS card with a nautical theme.
One of my friends in the village has a son, he worked with me over the Christmas rush, who is going through Naval training.  At this present time he is in the middle of basic training in Plymouth.
As I know what that feels like I wanted to send him a wee parcel to let him know I am thinking about him, a few sweeties and a card.
It is the little things whilst going through training that keep your spirits up!

I just wanted a 4" notelet that I could let him know I'm thinking of him and to stick with it.
The sense of achievement at the end of training far outways the pain at the time!

I have embossed and coloured an anchor by Docrafts Ahoy there!  It has then been surrounded by silver card using my circle die cuts with rivets added to look like a port hole.
I am sending him a selection of M & S sweeties, who doesn't like Percy pigs?!*
I am hoping it will make him smile.

I look back on my training now as happy times but I still remember sleeping stood up against the blackboard, pinned by two fella matelots so I didn't fall during a class!
Holding my eyes open with my fingers to stay awake happened on more than one occasion!
I was that tired.
The pain of having blister after blister cut off my feet and covered in iodine.
I didn't know you could get multiple blisters on top of each other.
The black eye I received the first time I was on the firing range with my 5.56 rifle as it hit my glasses which then hit my eye.
As I said before, happy times.  :)
Finally one, a biggie, which was any contact with the outside world, it was gratefully received.
We didn't have e-mails or mobile phones back then, it was snail mail all the way.

That's all from me, my eldest boy is off to work soon so was wanting an early tea.  I better go and get cracking.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Still on the adventurer theme.

Good afternoon or should I say good evening.
Where does the day go?
Another busy day at work, if only I could split myself in two I would achieve so much more, but wouldn't we all?
Tea is now cooking so I thought I'd share a recent card I was asked for this time it was for a chap who likes to go walking in the hills.

For the background I have used part of an old leather bound road atlas I won in a raffle when in the WRNR, a long time ago.  Unfortunately the map is now out of date so I recycle it in my crafting.  I actually managed to get the Cairngorm mountains in this one.  I folded the map as it would be if it was used for walking adding Vintage photo distress ink.  The bag and shoes have been coloured with my copic markers and the compass I picked up in Edinburgh.  I believe this card is heading to New Zealand so I hope the recipient likes it.
You never know it might give him the bug to come and bag a few Scottish Munro's.

I've been looking at the Less is more blog for this week's challenge, something that goes bang!
Wow, I need to get thinking about that one.  Balloons would be too straight forwards and I would like to combine it with a card for my Mum, whose birthday is coming up soon.  Mmm, what will I come up with?

I have nothing else exciting to share with you today so I am going to sign off.
Maybe I shall get a little crafting in after tea?
Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Not normal weekend, I feel like an adventurer!

Hi, how are you today?
I don't normally post our family fun but I had such a good time at the weekend I thought I would share.  As for the video I think we managed to get it sorted, I say we when I really mean that hubby persevered and got there in the end.

It was my little man's birthday yesterday and instead of a party he wanted to go away to Aviemore over the weekend for a few outdoor pursuits.
We had a great time at Loch Morlich kayaking, I think I surprised all the boys by keeping up with them.  I have to admit I preferred my return to base the best as it was downstream and not against the current, a lot easier than trying to go against it.  The actual Loch was a little choppy, it was just like being at sea, not my favourite motion, up and down!
I was very surprised on the day to have enjoyed it as much as I did, I only got a little wet because the boys thought it was great fun to splash me. 
Along the river we were out of the wind and it was lovely, warm and sunny and such a pleasant way to spend a few hours.

My favourite activity of the weekend was the zip lines Alvie Estate.  What fun that was.  I can totally recommend it.  The first one is a little daunting as you step off the platform but there are 15 in total so you soon get into the swing of it.  Literally!

Sorry the video isn't brilliant but we had to really reduce it to show you it.  This is what it feels like.

Apologies for hubby's choice of wording, I thought is was great fun, he was quieter than normal!
I had to stop myself shouting "wee" as I set off.  It would have embarrassed the kids.
The view was amazing and we actually went past a rainbow too.  It was exhilarating and exciting and I can't wait to do it again.
I think I could get this outdoor sports addiction!

Now would you give it a go?

Monday, May 23, 2016

Bagging a little sewing this Monday.

Good morning folks and how are you today?
Did you have a fun weekend?
We did here.  I shall tell you more about it tomorrow, I am trying to sort out a video to show you but my computer skills fall short of managing to get it to work on my blog, it is too large and condensing doesn't seem to help.  I WILL get there!
Whilst I am trying I thought I would show you half of Gayle's birthday present, this is some of the material that I picked up in Edinburgh.
Gayle likes to bake and to craft but now she is working longer hours I don't think she has much crafting time with a young family too.  She does however do the most amazing baking so I filled this wee bag with all things for baking, cases, toppings, tools etc...
I thought she could have lots of fun with the contents and then either use the bag for her baking or crafty bits.

I picked green as it is one of Gayle's colours, I did try and get gingham, a fella fan of the stuff like me, but dots were the nearest I could get.  The cream material is covered in cakes!
We both also love cake.  :)

I really enjoyed making this bag at our recent crop, the lovely Irene keeping an eye on my so I didn't make any mistakes.  Thanks Irene for having my back.

That's all from me this Monday, lots of washing here to catch up on and the dreaded housework, but first the dog and I are venturing down to the beach for our morning wake up walk.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Time for a little creative giggling.

It's Saturday, the weekend, time for a little creative smile or two.  These quotes are what made me smile this week, I hope they make you smile too.

Firstly in honour of the Invictus games last week, I thought I'd start with this one.

I personally can see nothing wrong in embellishing with gold.  You could do far worse!

Ever have one of these crafty days?

Arh, that project that looked the "bees knees" in your head but didn't quite transfer to paper.  
We all have days like that, don't we?  
I certainly do.  I even have the same look on the face as the duck above, it's uncanny the likeness.

This next theme seems to run most weeks in my craft space.  I so need a little pixie, one that will tidy for me, I get easily distracted by my mighty fine crafty products.

Just don't ask me to find anything specific, ever!
That is until I start to tidy and get distracted all over again.  It's a vicious circle.

I hope you enjoyed my creative smiles today, have a super weekend and more from me next week.

Friday, May 20, 2016

It's Friday again, time to share an oldie!

Good morning and hope you are all fit and well this Friday?
I am lucky to have this weekend off especially as the boys have the Thursday and Friday off too.
Time for a little family fun!

On a Friday my post is all about reviving an old crafty project that you have made and I encourage to join me.  All I ask is that you share a previous post from your blog or something that you made a while a go and haven't yet blogged, there is a link below for you to add your crafty project.
Today I have a Spellbinder card for you.

For this card I have used Spellbinder Embossing A4 folder dots together with Gold labels four, Vintage labels two and Fancy tags.  The sentiments are from Just Rite Live, love, laugh vintage labels two with pearls from my stash and card from The Papeterie in Aberdeen.  
I think this is a great sentiment, "Live life to the fullest today!"

Sharing an oldie on Friday is just a bit of fun, sharing the love of all things crafty.  I'd love it if you'd join me and will visit all that do.  
Thank you in advance if you do, I look forwards to seeing your choice of project this weekend.

It only remains for me to wish you all the best for this coming weekend, happy crafting.  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fluttering by with birthday wishes.

Hello folks and how are you today?
Another overcast day here in the North of Scotland, perfect crafting weather.

Today is is a special day for my lovely crafty friend Gayle.  I went to CHA with Gayle, Karen and Marlene seven years ago in Florida and we had a ball.  It was a real crafters holiday with all things crafty, shopping and lots of lovely grub.  Boy I have never giggled so much in a week.  It was lots of fun.
Anyway today it is Gayle's birthday, when I used this butterfly stamp a while ago she had mentioned that she'll like something similar for her special day.
It had to be done.  What are friends for?

I have water coloured the butterfly by SU using Tim Holtz distress inks, added black bling to the body and mat and layered onto corresponding card stock.

Gayle I hope you have a super day and the family spoil you rotten.  x

Guess what I got distracted yesterday and deliberately avoided the ironing so guess what excitement I have planned this afternoon, crampons out!  Can't wait.
I have also been having a few Internet issues so may be going dark over the next couple of days.  I have scheduled posts but don't worry if I don't get straight back to you.  It will be because I can't.
I shall hopefully get the issue sorted over the weekend.

That's all from me today, short and sweet.  I'm away now to dig out an oldie for tomorrow, are you joining me?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

For a budding artist!

Good afternoon and how are you this Wednesday?
The morning has magically disappeared again, how does that happen?
It has been raining all morning here, dreich and miserable, our walk was a little on the damp side.  I did put it off for a wee while hoping the rain would ease but no such luck.
Thank goodness for my long line waterproof coat, I was told yesterday there isn't bad weather in Scotland, just inappropriate clothing.  I had the appropriate clothing so only my boots, coat and glasses got wet.
Oh to have windscreen wipers on your glasses!

It is my eldest boys last higher examination this morning, hopefully by now he will have finished it and will be heading home on the bus for a relaxing afternoon.
My youngest is also off after school today for a long weekend.
We are planning on having a bit of fun, I will fill you in with more details next week.
My BFF text me this morning, it is not often we both get a day off together and when we do one of us always has something booked or something else to sort.  This morning I got a text to pop around as she had scones in the oven.  I didn't need telling twice!  We had a lovely chat and catch up with the joy of hot tea and warm scones too.  Yum.
Back to today and I have more cards to make later and an ironing pile that seems to grow of it's own accord, before popping out to see another friend this evening.

Today's card I am sharing is for a budding artist.

I have used kraft card for my artist palette and then added copics to colour, adding glossy accents to finish to create a wet look like paint.  I have then used my computer for the sentiment and mat and layered with corresponding card stock.

That's all from me today I'm away to get the boys lunch and then catch up on a couple of cards before tackling some of my ironing mountain.
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How about a little water sports, crafty style of course.

Good afternoon, my morning has just disappeared again, zoom and it was gone.
The dog and I enjoyed our usual walk this morning, it was a bit chilly first thing but it has changed beautifully and is now lovely and sunny.
I had a quick trip into town this morning as my eldest wanted to do some studying at school for his last higher tomorrow.  I took the opportunity to pick up a few essentials from work whilst in the area.
With both boys home at lunch I seem to be fairly going through food at the moment.

On to crafting, today I have a card for you on a sport theme.  I was asked for a kayak on a card for a gentleman who's passion is to paddle in his free time.  Now I don't know about you but I thought a kayak was like the Canadian open boats, on a little investigation it turns out that I was wrong.  As a child we had a kayak but we called it a canoe, which is where my confusion comes from.  What we really had was a kayak, it is the canoe that is open.  You learn something everyday and I am so glad that I did a little investigation first.
Here is my card.

I coloured the kayak and oars with my copies and used snippets of card left from other projects to finish.  The sentiment stamp is by Papertrey ink, Scripted and the lettering was done on my Cricut.

I was really happy with how this kayak has turned out, let's hope the recipient likes it too.

It turns out I have a little kayaker (if that is a word) too.  Apparently my youngest was a whizz in a kayak whilst away recently with the school.  So much so he is wanting to take me out this weekend.  I can't wait!  (LOL, I just love to get wet and cold!)
Watch this space but if my memory serves me correctly, I used to go canoeing after school when I was a teenager and I wasn't a natural!
Give me a sheet of card any day of the week.

Before I go I just wanted to share this link with you.  All I am going to say is WOW can you imagine the fun you could have with these.
I did have a little look at them on the Internet it turns out that they are over a grand to buy!
WOW again.  That's how much it costs to have every colour under the rainbow!
A girl can dream, you can keep your girlie bits and bobs, nice crafty products will always top my basket.

Monday, May 16, 2016

A weekend of fun and of course some secret crafting.

Good morning and how are you this Monday morning?
It looks as if it will be a nice sunny day, blue sky is trying to get through the clouds as we speak.
How was your weekend?
I had a good day at work on Saturday, swapping between tills and filling stock, totally different from my usual day and I don't think I upset too many customers.  :)
Lots of new tastes to try, my favourite being the lemon meringue fudge and the peanut butter cookies so far.  Oh dear, I  have such a sweet tooth.
On Sunday this was what I was up to...

I have to say I had way more stuff that this with me but I finished the project I wanted to get done.
Unfortunately I can't share it with you just yet as it is a birthday present.  I shall show you it later in the week when the birthday girl has received it.

Instead today I thought I would show you these funny fellas.

These funny chaps started to appear on my regular morning walk a few months ago.  First it was one then three and now they seem to be growing in numbers.  I don't know where they're coming from but they do make me smile each morning I walk past them.
I like this chap in particular for his hair, I think he looks like a soldier in is bearskin hat, apart from the tongue out of course.

I think this one must be a little shy.

This chap was down low and I nearly missed him.

These are good friends, so close together!

"I look down on you!"

Quite a serious group of fellas!

Funny fellas!

I don't know who is making them, maybe it's magic?  LOL.
On the upside they certainly make you smile as you pass them and each morning I do a quick count to see if there is more.

The other thing that seems to be popular on our beaches at this time of year is these.

Stone stacker's.  This is the next beach along from ours and it has some great flat stones, perfect for towering up.  This is only a small one that I spotted over the weekend but you can get some huge ones during the summer season.  I shall keep my eye out for you so I can show you what I mean.
The big question is.....are all these items created by people having fun in the sun by the beach or, cue spooky music, are there other forces at work?!*
I shall leave you with that thought.

Time for me to crack on I have a little dog sat crossed legged wanting to go out for a walk.
Today I have a few bespoke cards to make for friends then the usual housework and chores, boo.
I hope you all had a super weekend.
Enjoy your Monday too.
I shall be back later to see what you have been getting up to, out for a walk I go.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

It's the weekend, time for a little creative fun.

Good morning and how are you all this Saturday?
The weather forecast was correct, it has certainly cooled down over the last couple of days, such a shame after the sunshine.  Back to long trousers and coats for my daily trip to the beach.  Let's hope that that will change again soon.  On the upside at least it has been dry.

If you regularly pop by on a Saturday you will know that I try and find a few smiles to share as it is the weekend.  
Without further ado here are my choices for today.  

Remember my trip to Edinburgh recently and all that lovely fabric that I purchased did you know it was one of these......

Sorry, I couldn't resist but having all boys in this house means that the toilet humour sometimes does filter across to me.  This did make me smile.

Moving on, forget the naughty step.....

I totally agree with the above statement, I don't get sent to my room often enough.  
Maybe I need to be naughtier?
Then this always happens once you get there....

Or is that just me?
I really could do with a tidy crafting pixie visit and sort out my craft room.  Too many fine crafting supplies and not enough hours in the day.  Maybe if I was more organised I would enjoy crafting more but that never seems to last long.

So today's advice don't forget to enjoy a F.A.R.T. and be naughty, whilst enjoying sitting amongst all your mighty fine crafty supplies.
It sounds like a mighty fine plan for the weekend!
Unfortunately I am working today but I plan to have some crafty fun tomorrow at the crop.
Have a good one and more from me next week.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Ooooo it's Friday the 13th!! Scary. Time for an oldie, will you join me?

Hello and how are you this Friday?
Where has the week gone?
I've had a busy couple of days catching up with the housework and enjoying the sunshine with the dog.  Our 45 minute walks seem to have turned into a couple of hours over the last few days, taking full advantage of the beautiful weather.
No crafting for me.  Boo!
Hubby has been away this week with work and is home later.  When I have the mum and dad roles to cover my time seems to just disappear.  My youngest appears to have caught a bit of a head cold this week and my eldest has had his Biology and Maths higher examinations.
Combining that with work and all the usual daily chores my time has just flown by this week.
As for this weekend it is usually my weekend off work but there is a special tasting event in store, so I am in tomorrow as extra, on the shop floor.  Gulp!  Watch out customers!
Then on Sunday I have my local crop again and the boys are planning a little airsoft fun and games.
It's going to be another busy one.

Back to today and in honour of Friday the 13th I thought I'd share something a little spooky.
Sharing an oldie each Friday is all about re sharing and old crafty project that you have already blogged before.  Whether to showcase previous styles or other crafts, the idea behind this process is to show your creative journey to those who maybe haven't been with you from the start.
It is also fun to see how styles have changed or hobbies.  I would love it if you join me, please link below and I will visit you all.
Here's my oldie today with a bit of a CAS theme.

The papers are Harley Davidson by EK Success, the skull and crossbows are from my Cricut.
The sentiment is a wee metal tag "Age means nothing" I can't remember who made these, can you?
I have added stitching detail on my machine.
This was a birthday card for my Dad about six years ago, I wanted to incorporate a biker theme without using a bike, if you get my drift?

Do you have anything excited planned over the weekend?  I hope so.
That's all from me today, have a super weekend.
To those of you who do join me today, thank you in advance, I do love to visit your blogs and see what oldie you have picked too.  Have a great weekend and more from me tomorrow.

I'm afraid we don't have picture links today, still trying to sort out my subscription with no joys.
Oh to be a techno whiz!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Well, it's official, it's summer in the North of Scotland. There's something you don't see everyday!

Hi folks, how are you today?
We have had another glorious day of sunshine here in the North whilst it apparently rains down south. That doesn't happen very often.  It looks as if the West coast are getting it even better too.
I've had a busy day here so no crafting to show.  I have just sat down, time now to chillout for a short while before getting my brood to bed.
My day started getting the youngest to school and then walking the dog before heading into work.
By the time I got to work I was ready to get into the fridge, cool!  Yes, it has been that warm up here.
After getting home from work it was time for another walk with the dog before starting tea.
I had to smile whilst out, as it was a lovely day everyone was out.  It took me over an hour to walk to the Post office 5 minutes away.  If the dog could have crossed her legs she would have.  Bless.  What was a 40 minute walk ended up in about 2 1/2 hours out in the sunshine.
The beach was packed again, I even took you a couple of pictures as proof.

As I said the beach was packed!  
Not.  It was beautiful too.
The dog had a whale of a time paddling after a warm day in the house.

You can keep your cities, on a day like today there is no where else in the world I would rather be.
Now you can see why I haven't crafted, I got distracted whilst out passing the time of day with fellow villagers, everyone outside enjoying the weather.
As I said yesterday we make the most of the warmth as it is set to get colder in the run up to the weekend.
I hope you have had good weather where you are too?  
Enjoy the rest of your evening, more from me tomorrow.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Less is more all the way.

I was just about to type "Good morning" then I looked at my watch.
Where has the morning gone?

What a lovely day it is here, the sun is out in the garden, as is the dog.  You'd think my beach walk would have been wonderful this morning with all the lovely weather but no.  In the garden beautiful sunshine, as I got down on to the beach thick haar.  You can't see in front of your nose.  It is somewhat spooky when you are the only person on the beach and you can't see a foot in front of you.
I think even the dog was a little spooked.
On the upside it will hopefully clear later and it will be beautiful.

My eldest has his Biology higher this morning and then Maths later in the week.  It can't be nice sat in an exam room when it is so lovely outside.  On the upside his hay fever hasn't been too bad yet, one of the many advantages of living in the North of Scotland.

Back to crafting and today I needed to make a quick card for my Godmother who is 70 tomorrow.
As usually I am Mrs Organised!
I decided to combine her card with the present challenge over with the lovely ladies at the Less is More challenge blog.
This week's challenge is to incorporate pastel shades into the less is more theme.
This is what I came up with.

I have used a pastel green spotted paper from Prima papers Jack n' Jill with tiny daisies on.
I thought it fit the challenge quite well.  I have cut my 70 on my machine and added sequin flowers by paper cellar which have a pearlescent appearance dependant on the light they look either white, pale pink or mint green.  I have picked up the darker pink spots in the paper and added gems from Diamante crafts in the centre of the sequins, I would have stuck with the pastel theme but the darker pink worked better.  The sentiment is by Papertrey ink Scripted.  Finally I have added stitch detail using my sewing machine.

Did you have a good weekend?
I had a very busy day at work on Saturday followed by a chilled out evening with my boys, BGT then a film and popcorn.  On Sunday I had a lazy morning, it is a must in this house, followed by bacon butties and sometime down at the harbour, dog walking and relaxing.
My youngest was very tired after his week away with the school but had the best time ever!
I think my eldest will be glad when all his exams are over and he can get surfing.

I hope you are enjoying your lovely sunny Monday?
According to the forecast the sunshine will not last, as I am in work tomorrow and Wednesday I am taking some time out in the garden this afternoon.  The housework can wait till later in the week when the weather changes.
One thing I have learnt living in this area is that everything stops for a nice sunny day, as you don't know when the next one will be!

Saturday, May 07, 2016

It's the weekend, time for a little creative fun.

Good morning and how are you today?
I'd like to start today by thanking you lovely ladies who joined me yesterday sharing an oldie, I enjoyed my wee hop over to your blogs to see what you had picked too.

It's the weekend, time for some creative smiles whilst I am busy at work.
Here's what made me smile yesterday, hopefully it will make you smile too.
This first quote made me giggle, who doesn't need a little fibre in their diet?

My kind of fibre!

For this next quote I personally see it as a challenge.  See what you think?

There's only one way to find out, eh ladies?!  LOL.  I couldn't resist giving you a little something for the weekend.  Why should men only get asked that question?
On that general theme this next quote follows on quite nicely.

50 shades of card stock, way better than the book.  So much fun to be had with it, so many projects you could do.  I think this would be my choice of 50 shades.

That's all from me today, short and sweet.  I hope you enjoyed my choice of quotes this weekend?
Have a good time whether you are crafting or not.  Apparently the weather this weekend is going to be good, yippee, fun in the sun.  Time to soak up some vitamin D after the naff weather we have been having so far this year.
Enjoy it folks and more from me next week.

Friday, May 06, 2016

It's FFFfriday time to share an oldie with me.

Good morning, isn't this better weather?  Still a bit windy up here in the back and beyond but it is set to get even better come the weekend.  I'm working Saturday but will be taking full advantage on Sunday.
It was far to nice yesterday to sit in and craft but then I had another type of day planned.
Today I have an appointment at the hospital, just for a check up, so yesterday was my pre-Spring tidy up.
If you know what I mean ladies!  I am now officially in my Spring body and the only thing left to do is lose a few pounds.  Who am I trying to kid, probably a stone would do.  It's all that home baking and M & S food, plays havoc with the waistline.
I also had a couple of treatments in the afternoon before heading out to vote, did you?
I walked into our polling station all spaced out and well greased, but apparently smelling beautifully!

Back to today and it's that time again to share an old project, it can be anything you have made yourself and already posted or something you've never posted before.  Don't forget to add your link below so I can pop on over to your blog too and share in the love of all things crafty be they old or new.
Today I have another card for you.

The stamp and sentiments are from PI Cherry on the top, the papers from Kay and Co Classic K Bailey and American Craft. I have used Spellbinders round and scalloped round nestabilities and the doily effect was done using two strips of Boarderabilities classic grand lace. Inking was done with Tim Holtz distress ink vintage photo, buttons from stock and white/black journal pens to finish the look. Finally a "cherry on the top" wouldn't be a cherry if it wasn't shinny so Ranger Glossy accents just finished the look!
This was one of my early cards when demonstrating for PI.
I do like cake!  ;)

That's all from me today, my shortest post of the week.  I look forwards to seeing what you have decided to share today and thank you so very much for taking the time to join me.
Have a super weekend and more from me tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Learning a new craft, workshop time.

Good afternoon and how are you this hump day?
The weather today is a bit grey, as it was yesterday, if only the wind would die down it would be very pleasant.  The dog and I had a lovely breezy walk along the beach this morning and blew away the cobwebs.

This morning I have had my domestic head on making chicken stock from the leftover carcass from yesterday's tea, followed by chicken and vegetable soap.  The eldest boy and I had that for our lunch with some freshly baked bread (I'm not that good, it was part baked from the supermarket, but still tastes as good when you finish off the cooking).
I also vetoed my grey hairs for another few weeks, it's taken years off me!  A quick hair colour is always a wee boost and I managed not to flick it everywhere.
This afternoon I have a little ironing to finish off, lots of shirts, I hate ironing shirts.  Give me trousers or a t-shirt instead, so much easier.  I know lots of folk don't bother ironing, but I like things crisp and sharp, must be the x military training, who says you get brainwashed?
Mind you the way the kids throw the clothes on their floordrobe, (it's like a wardrobe but a lot messier, the floor of their bedrooms.  Apparently it is a teenage thing!) I really do wonder why I bother.
I've had no news from my youngest so I shall take that as good news.  Hubby has taken a day off today to go and surprise him and spend the day with his class in the outdoors, guess who else will be tired when he gets home?
Anyway enough of my waffle you want to see what I made in my two classes?

The first class was with the lovely and very talented Tracey Spurgin, a pair of feather earrings made with silver clay, you can see her website here.
Tracey was a super instruction even telling us the history behind how silver clay came about.  I have to say I was very apprehensive working with the clay as until it is actually fired it just looks like and behaves like regular clay.  It is quite delicate.
Now I don't wear earrings anymore, I haven't worn them since the boys were babies and one of them pulled one out by accident.  I gave up wearing them and have never gone back.  I now find if I try to wear any I end up taking them out after an hour or two as they irritate my ears.
So I asked Tracey could I make my feathers into charms to put on a necklace instead.  (I would finish under my own steam).
Here is the finished result.  I was actually quite chuffed with the outcome.

The feathers are sterling silver.  The top smaller one is made freehand and the larger one was made using a stencil to etch around.
You can see them better here.

The detail was put on by hand and the centre line was piped like icing.
I have finished mine on a silver chain with a swarovski teal crystal until I can source a sterling silver chain and accessories.  At least I can wear it for now.  I also like the idea of changing the crystal, I bought a clear one too but think a nice fresh water pearl would work as well.

My second class was with the lovely sewing ladies from Hochanda and Six Penny Memories, Debbie and Kim, what lovely pair.  I learnt loads and after using their machines and now mine I'm thinking an upgrade may be imminent.  Don't tell hubby!
Now I bought a darning foot for my machine over five years ago with the view to doing something or other.  I can't remember now.  I quizzed the ladies and I now have that and my tooth cover up and running on my machine.  I still need lots and lots of practise and to get my stitch size sussed.
Here is what I made.

I loved the freestyle sewing around the flowers as it doesn't really matter how neat it is, a new concept for me.  Once I realised that and let go, by putting my foot down, I had a whale of a time. The background quilting is SO HARD!  All the stitches are supposed to be the same length and you move the work around yourself to get the pattern.  I really struggled to keep the material in the same position and move without turning.  Old habits die hard but at least I wasn't the only one.
Now I only need to decide what to do with it?
I definitely need more practise and can totally see how addictive it could become.

That's all from me today.  I really enjoyed trying a couple of different crafts whilst at The Knitting and Stitching show, they've just announced the Edinburgh dates for next year.......27th - 30th April 2017.   Whoop, whoop, better get that in the diary then!

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

The Knitting and Stitching show, show and tell!

Good afternoon and what a lovely afternoon it is, bright and sunny, blue skies, shame about the wind because without that it would be warm.  The dog and I had a good blast along the beach this morning after waving my youngest boy off to his adventure week with school.
He has not been away before so he was very excited this morning, I do hope he enjoys it and the weather stays kind to them.  From the forecast it looks as if the weather will certainly be better than last week, no snow!
It seems quiet here, my eldest is now on study leave for his highers but whether he is doing enough only time will tell.  The draw of electronics is great but he does seem to have taken over the dining room table with all his books.  We will know how much work he has done when he gets his results.

What you really want to know though is what did I purchase at the Knitting and Stitching show, isn't it?
I really did go for it, but in my defence I had been saving for it.
In further defence they are at least four gifts for friends amongst it all, we will say no more on that point as I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Firstly I got some wooden laser bits, I haven't decided what to do with them yet but the smaller bits I hope to use on some altered art canvases.  Another idea of mine!  I would like to learn more on the altered art front.

I intend on putting the large sign up on my craft room door, I was going to colour it but I quite like it in it's raw state, what do you think?  To paint of decorate or leave Au natural?

Now the top kit is for me but the other two are gifts so I don't want to give the game away.
I shall take a photo of them in all there glory before passing them on then I can show you at a later date.

Now to material.....

The beach hut canvas I just bought because I love it and I am thinking bags or bunting or maybe just stroking it on occasion!
The fat quarters are all for projects that I have in my head.  Again I am afraid I will have to ask you to watch this space on that front.  

Jewellery bits next....

I'm afraid there is a bit of a colour theme going on with this lot.  Can you tell what my favourite colour is?
I have a couple of kits top right, where you add beads into a net to make a necklace and bracelet, I had not seen this before so bought some more net and beads, next to the kits to make extra or give me flex with the kits.  I love the effect of the finished piece, the beads shimmer through the net, very pretty.
The couple of glass jars are to add to my unfinished Tim Holtz configuration box.  I made the box a long time ago when I demonstrated for PI, but as I wanted it to be personal to me, I just add bits to the boxes when and if I see them.  It is a work in progress.  The rest of the findings are just to top up my supplies.

Charmed I'm sure......

You can't go to a craft show and not pick up a magazine, I happened to love the amigurumi seahorse and crab pattern with this magazine so can't wait to play with that.  The angel wooden bits I found at the bottom of my bag after photographing the rest earlier.  I have some jewellery glue, some tiny wooden cotton reels again for my configuration box and then lots of charms to add to my stock. Things I haven't got.

Finally something I never buy some beauty products.

I do suffer with dry hands.  I don't think the soap at work helps but then I don't really have any beauty regime, I'd far rather be crafting.  A quick scrub of hands and feet with this scrub seems to do the trick, job done, quick and easy.  I had tried something similar at the SECC but not bought it, as it worked really well, I decided to treat myself this time.  

The tool on the left is a DermiEye tool from Opatra.  
Oh me, oh my they must have got me in a good mood that day I don't normally buy these sort of gadgets but I did haggle and get a very good price.  
It is supposed to reduce puffiness and wrinkles around the eye.   I have taken a before picture and am going to use it for a couple of weeks then we will see if there is an improvement.  I should have bought the gel too, but as I already had eye cream at home, I thought I would see how I got on with what I have first.  
The young Italian salesman was very complimentary, which I am not used to, let's just say I was putty in his hands.  A bit of a Shirley Valentine moment, I'm afraid to admit!
Both hubby and I suffer around the eyes with lines and shall we say bags (you know what I mean!).  
I am hoping that it will be good for both of us.  I have already noticed a difference, since not sleeping as much I have had a bit of a twitch in my right eye when tired.  I have used the tool morning and night since I have been home and the twitch has stopped!
It will be interesting to see if there is a marked improvement in a few weeks, I shall show and tell with you.

What a mammoth post today, sorry folks but you did ask.  Wasn't I naughty?
I better get some of these projects started. 
More from me tomorrow, I shall tell you all about the classes that I took.
I hope I haven't bored you all to death today?
I could hold a craft party around mine?!  :D