Saturday, April 30, 2016

It's Saturday time for a little creative smiles.

Good morning and how are you this Saturday?
Are you ready for today's creativity smiles?
I actually searched for these back on Wednesday evening, when I should have been making tea.
Naughty Mummy.  They got fed, just a little later than planned.

Is this first one you?

I think I so need this t shirt.  I have a cupboard of unfinished items from various weekend crafty trips away that just need finishing, every year I say, this year, this is the one.  Guess what?
It never happens.  There is always something else to do, something new to work on.  One of these days I will find the time and the enthusiasm to have some finishing off time.

My final two funnies today involve PIES.  No not the type you eat, unfortunately but the type you used to have to make in Maths lessons a few years ago or more!
Is this true of your paper stash?

I love the two categories "Where did that even come from?" and "What was I thinking of?"
We've all got that sort of paper haven't we?
Then there is the most "precious" of all.  (Spoken like Gollum in Lord of the Rings "my precious!")
The papers that you only get out on special occasions to stroke and then say, not today, I'm not quite ready to lose you to the dreaded cutting up. 
Or is that just me?  Surely not.

Then finally we have the whole creative process.

This time I am a big fan of the Binge eating, whilst deciding what to do. The there is the Random Internet surfing that you spend so long on, craft time disappears with nothing to show for it.  How productive we must have been before the Internet and Pinterest.

That's me for today folks, I hope you have smiled as I did when I found this quotes during the week.
Enjoy what is left of your weekend and more from me next week.

Friday, April 29, 2016

It's Friday time to share an oldie. Babiesrus!

Good morning, how are you this Friday?
It is my weekend off work so as you know from my last couple of posts, I am spending a few crafty days in Edinburgh.  I shall be learning some new crafty techniques too, maybe even finding time to do a little shopping, well it would be rude not to.
If you are just visiting for the first time I encourage you to join me reposting an old crafty project from your blog or indeed posting something you made a while ago but have never blogged.  It can be anything that you have made yourself.  All I ask is that you use the link below so I can pop along to your blog and see your old make too.  I will comment on all.
Today I have a picture to share with you that I made for a friend when she had a first baby.

Sarah now has a little brother too who was born last year, he got my first crocheted bunny for his birth gift and apparently takes it everywhere with him.
For this canvas I used a little cutie from Sugar Nellie called Bambino.  It is coloured using my copics and layered in sparkly pink gingham.  The canvas background is covered with Distress ink Spun Sugar and the frame is painted white then distressed with sandpaper and Vintage photo Distress ink.  The charm and ribbon are from my stash.

I love this little baby digi image and have used it loads for baby cards and canvasses.
It makes me feel all broody, then I hear my two shouting at each other and the urge soon settles down.  I don't think I could go back to nappies now, mind you I think I'd be better with the sleepless nights!  
Five hours seem to be my average just now.  

That's all from me today, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you if you are joining in sharing an oldie today, I do appreciate each and everyone of you taking part.  Have a super end to the week and an even better weekend.  
Don't forget to link up below....

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bags packed and away I go.

Over the next few days I am here.....The knitting and Stitching show in Edinburgh.
I am driving down early this morning and hoping to arrive late morning in time for a quick wander before heading to a class in the afternoon.  On Friday I have a similar set up, a wander around the stalls in the morning followed by a class in the afternoon.  I am hoping to take plenty of photographs if I am allowed, and then I can share my experience with you next week.

What am I making and what will I find?
All will be revealed soon.
Have a super couple of days and I will be back tomorrow with an oldie to share, feel free to join me.
The more the merrier!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ding, dong, ding can you hear those Wedding bells?

Afternoon all and how are you this Wednesday.  I'm just in from a busy day at work, lots of new products this week as all the summer lines hit the shop, and it was snowing outside!
The new BBQ range looks yummy and a Dine in this weekend, is there any wonder I find myself only adding to my waistline and not taking away?

One of my pals asked me yesterday if I could rustle up a Wedding card for her for this weekend.  As I would have only seen her today, going off on my travels tomorrow, last night I came up with this.
She asked for a navy theme and butterflies.

The dies are by Spellbinder and are Fancy lattice and Les Papillions Two and I have kept with the white and navy colour scheme, with a couple of diamante to finish the butterflies body.

I have make a few Weddings in navy and white, I do like the colour scheme, I think it is very classy and the navy isn't as harsh as black.  But that is just my opinion.

I've now got the dog to walk in the cold and rain, can't wait and then it's time to start the tea.  After which I shall be packing my bags for tomorrow.!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Move over Game of Thrones, I've got my own dragon!

Good morning and how are you this Tuesday?
Last night I decided to play along with the lovely ladies at the Less is more blog again.  This week's challenge, as it was St George's day in England at the weekend, is Saints, Dragons or Heroes.
Now I jumped at the change to use my Dragon and sentiment stamps.  I bought these years ago when my youngest boy was a knight.  No word of a lie, he would take a sword with him everywhere, just incase.  
I have not used the set very often but I just love the sentiment and the look of the dragons face especially with the addition of googly eyes.  He looks as if he is more likely to give you a hug than to smother you in ketchup and eat you all up.

The stamps are by Stamp-it which is an Australian company and I have coloured my dragon with copic markers before adding eyes.  I have simply stamped the background and added stitch detail.

Today I shall mostly be at work so no playtime, sorry crafting time for me.
Maybe later?
It could be a possibility.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the gang at Less is more for another super challenge this week, I really did have to dust these two stamps down.
But it did feel good.

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday, happy crafting to you all.
Catch you again tomorrow.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday morning, how green to me!

Good afternoon and how are you this Monday?
I had a really busy weekend.  Work started well first thing Saturday and went downhill gradually.
Not enough hours in the day.

Saturday evening was great fun in the cube at The West Beach Caravan park in the village.
The cube is a large white inflatable, think kids bouncy castle without the bouncy floor.  It was instead of a marquee with the added bonus you don't get the cold drafts, don't get me wrong it was a cold night down by the beach but once everyone was in and dancing it soon warmed up.  There was a couple of bands on so we had some Scottish dancing.  This was followed by a charity auction and raffle, I won a Johnstons of Elgin merino wool scarf, which is a beautiful burgundy colour.  There was a bar and food, a full hog roast, burgers and proper baked tatties.
What a brilliant evening, lovely local food and drink, great atmosphere and music, what more do you need?
I believe the auction did very well for charity too with lots up for grabs from a side of salmon, plants, wood for the fire, holidays, boat trips, beauty treatments etc...

Yesterday I had our local crop and spent the afternoon chatting, eating cake and crocheting.  I managed to get the rest of my hexagons sewn up and started making some more.

Back to today and once my lot were off to school and work I took the dog out for a walk, oh me, oh my it was freezing.  Walking along a north facing beach when the wind is coming from the north is certainly all you need to wake you up in the morning.  It was the sort of icy cold that slaps you in the face.
Once home and warmed up with a fine cup of tea I set to work in the kitchen.  I shall let you into a secret....I hate going food shopping and if I am off and don't want to go, I like to challenge myself making and baking with what I have left in the cupboards, putting the dreaded trip off till another day.  Today I have made more Malteser slice, it seems to be a firm favourite with my boys at the moment.  I have rustled up a rhubarb crumble for pudding with the rhubarb having been donated from my BFF.  Then I got the slow cooker out and have a creamy tarragon chicken cooking away.  It should make tea quick and easy but I don't know where the day has gone.
I am working tomorrow and Wednesday, then I'm off down to Edinburgh Thursday for a few days so I can't see me getting much crafting to share this week.

As I have been busy in the kitchen I thought today I would share my green fingered achievements this year so far.  I only say this because I normally have no success at all planting seeds but this year I have sweet peas and tomatoes.  You probably plant seeds every year but I have always had very little success over the years so consequently normally don't normally bother.

My sweet pea tin was a present from the boys for Mother's day, I love cut sweet peas in the house over the summer months once they're flowering, the smell is lovely.

These are tomato bush plants which I picked up at work, they've been planted late but hopefully in a South facing conservatory they should start and come on quickly.

Lots of chat today and no crafting, hopefully I might remedy that later this evening.  
That's all from me today I may not have much to share this week but I will try and pop by with something.  Enjoy your week.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

It's Saturday time for a little creative funnies.

Good morning, I hope this finds you well this Saturday?  
I am beavering at work today so I picked a few funnies to share with you yesterday, I hope they make you smile this weekend.  
As always I am sticking with a creative feel.

This first one is in response to another quote I posted last week about the fact that now and again mighty fine crafting products disappear from my craft room.  These are usually pilfered by a very large Pixie and used for unrelated jobs.  Some of you also commented that you also have that phenomenon happening to your mighty fine crafty stash.  With that in mind this first picture made me laugh.   

I think someone had the knife for a little too long!

Now to us crafty girls you can keep your diamonds, unless it's glaze or gems to stick on cards.
Handbags and shoes, a no thank you.

I'd much rather be let loose in a mighty fine craft shop to do my damage!  As for Pinterest, have you noticed that when you "pop" onto it hours and days disappear as if by magic?  Strange but true.
No longer to make crafts but just to admire others who have been productive!

Finally are you guilty of this?

Oh yes.  I usually just look at the state of my room and walk out, thinking I'll tackle that another day when I am in the mood.  It's just nice to peep in and remind yourself that it's a lovely place to hide, I mean craft!
Maybe it is just me though, as I also talk to the dog, (she listens) oh and the food at work, but only if I'm on my own.  Remember the film Shirley Valentine, I get more like her everyday, just need to book the holiday to Greece.  Nice.

That's all from me I better go before you think I am totally off my rocker.  Have a super weekend whatever your plans maybe, don't forget to wrap up warm though, more snow forecast up here today. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

It's that time of the week again, Friday, oldie sharing comes around so fast!

Good morning and how are you this Friday?  Can you believe it is nearly the end of the week again?
More bad news last night when the singer Prince was announced as dead too.  What is going on this year?
If there is a heaven it is certainly going to be rocking this year with the amount of talented folk that have departed this world, and it's only April!
You know when they have the award ceremonies on TV and at the end of the evening there is always a pause to remember those who have departed.  This year it is going to be a very long pause.  Yikes.
I went to see Prince when I was based in Portsmouth with a pal.  We got the train into London to see the concert, it was amazing.  The stage was either huge or he was very small but gosh that didn't effect the sound, it was amazing.
The long walk home wasn't quite as much fun as we missed the last train to Portsmouth and could only get the train so far, which meant yomping the rest of the way.  Good job we were fit.  I wouldn't do it now.  Scary.

Back to today and it's that time of the week when I encourage you to join me in sharing an old crafty project, anything at all that you have made yourself.  All I ask is that you attach your post to the link below then I can drop by and share the love of all things homemade.
My oldie for today is a little more colourful than my latest cards, a bit of an inky moment.

I have used;
Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz cling mounted stamps "Fairytale Frenzy" and "Urban Tapestry".
Distress embossing ink Peeled paint.
Distress inks Peeled paint, Crushed olive, NEW Festive berries, Fired brick, Tea dye, Vintage photo and finally Walnut stain.
Diamond Stickles.
Sentiment by Hero arts "Finding joy".

I think this was my first attempt at using Distress embossing ink plus combining distress inks and stamping.  I look at it now thinking, oh my, that blending could be better.  Still I had lots of inky fun making it.

With hubby back today I don't know what the plans are for the rest of the day.  I guess it will depend on the weather.  I will hopefully get in a little crafty fun as I haven't played much at all this week.  I have lots of ideas roaming around my head so I need to sit down and see what happens.  
It only remains for me to wish you all the very best for the weekend, I'm working tomorrow and then we have a night out too.  How will I cope! 
On Sunday it's crafty cropping time again.  Yippee.  
I think this weekend might just be a busy one.  
I'll be back tomorrow with some more funny quotes, thank you in anticipation of you playing along today.  
I look forwards to hopping on over to your blog during the weekend and seeing your oldies too.
Have a good one.

Before I memory of a great artist.

Time to link up with me, happy crafting folks and thanks for popping by.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Just for you.

Hello and how are you this Thursday?
A missed post from me yesterday, it was such a lovely day I had the urge to clean my kitchen cupboards and then bake so my crafting took a back seat.  It is rare that I want to clean cupboards so I had to crack on whilst in the mood!
I did have to ask myself one question though, "who spends all morning cleaning the kitchen then bakes!"
I do it all the time.  Bonkers.

It must be time for new businesses just now.  One of my pals as mentioned in an earlier post has taken over the wee gift shop in our village harbour and another friend today has re-opened her craft business after moving from Elgin to Alves.  I popped to Alves this morning to wish Karen all the best in her new venture.  Once the coffee shop and all the gifts are sorted it will be a cracking little crafty/watering hole to stop off at.
To wish her well I rustled up this little CAS number.

I have used tartan by Craftwork cards, the flower stamp is Patricia's garden by Scrappy cat and the scroll is by Hero Arts Cheer up, the sentiment is Just Rite Thank you labels 20.  I have then rounded the corners, layered on black card and added a bit of bling to finish.

I also spent some time yesterday booking myself a wee couple of days break next week.!
I am going to Edinburgh for The Knitting and Stitching show at Ingliston.  I have a couple of classes booked and a hotel.  I am leaving the boys with their day for the weekend and am off on an adventure. Is anyone else planning on going?

Finally yesterday I had a wee play with some cutters I got at Christmas but hadn't yet used.
I made some Stained glass window biscuits and some strawberry creams.  I think these cutters are going to need a little practise with.

The shapes are supposed to be little men and snowflakes, as you can see not all worked but I have shown them in all their "nailed that" glory rather than just picking out the better ones.
My youngest loved the stained glass ones at the top, where as my oldest liked the strawberry creams at the bottom.
They certainly passed the taste test even though not looking perfect.  My youngest stated that they were "sick" which I believe nowadays is a good thing?!*
At least they were happy.  I was experimenting as it is the school fair on Saturday but I think I'll stick to my Malteser slice this time and get in a bit more practise.

That's all from me, what are you up to today on the Queen's birthday?
I have the dog walk to walk again soon in the sunshine, which is a nice change.  Then into the usual routine for this evening, with hubby arriving home at some point after being away all week.

Before I go I just wanted to add how sad it was that Victoria Wood died yesterday.
Famous people seem to be dropping like flies this year don't they?  Scary.
I have had the joy of seeing Victoria live a couple of times and I laughed till I cried at her shows.  Her song about Brian and Freda with the keywords "beat me on the bottom with a Woman's weekly", never had me looking at that magazine again in the same light!
Her "rite tall" pal Kimberley, the fitness instructor Hayley Bailey to name but a couple sketches along with Acorns Antiques and Dinner ladies, she was a comic genius.  Such a sad loss.
I couldn't leave without sharing this in her honour today.  Catch you again tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A little LIS, three stamps fresh!

Good afternoon and how are you today?
A bright sunny day here in the North of Scotland although it is still a tad windy and a little fresh.
Still it is feeling more like Spring today, before the weather changes yet again as we head towards the weekend, so the forecast says.

Today I thought I would join in with the lovely ladies over at the Less is More challenge blog again, this time the challenge is to use just 3 stamps.
This is my attempt.

I have used Distress ink Blueprint and Peacock feathers together with stamps by SU Gorgeous Grunge and Hero Arts Cheer up.  The circle die is by Cottage cutz and I have finished with a few stars and a bit of bling.  Three stamps, two colours.
The Hero arts stamp has quite a grungy style to it which I thought matches the SU stamps.

That's all from me today, I'm just back from taking my youngest for his first look around his new Secondary school, gulp.  My baby is starting big school in August!
A big change to what he is used to but I'm sure it won't take him long to get in the swing of things.
As for the rest of today, more housework and hopefully a little craft time.
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.

Monday, April 18, 2016

BOOM! Doesn't time fly by?

Good afternoon and how are you this Monday, we have clear blue skies at the moment but boy it is windy out there and a tad chilly.  I am not looking forwards to my afternoon walk, brrrr.

How was your weekend?
My plans all went to pot with my wee man not well again yesterday.  A quiet day was had catching up on a few jobs and no crafting, as planned.  Boo.  He is off school today but has been a lot better.
I am planning on him going back tomorrow as he has to visit the High school ready for next year.
My eldest boy has a job interview today and a driving lesson later.  The interview is with Chivas and all part of a school scheme that sees them mentored by a business before leaving school for the big bad world.  Today he has a mock interview with three of the company's staff, gulp.  I hope he does well.  He worked on his CV and letter over the weekend with a little advice from his Dad so hopefully his hard work will pay off.  At the end of the day it is good practise for him even though he still isn't entirely sure of what he wants to do as a career.

Back to today and my card making.  This was a bespoke request from a friend, a Wedding Anniversary card for her BFF.  She wanted photo's of her and a pal from the wedding 10 years ago.
Hubby is in the heart.  Apparently her friend is a big fan of saying the word "Boom" when achieving something.  It is not something I have heard of but then I do lead a quiet life in my craft room.

I was asked for a simple card with said title, photographs and date.
For the rest was to retain a LIS approach.
The heart die cut is by Papertrey ink, the printing was done on my computer and then the photographs were framed using my paper cutter.  A wee bit of bling was added to finish.

That's all from me today, it's time for another walk down the beach and a little sand blasting.  I don't seem to be in a crafty mood at all today so I may take the opportunity to get ahead of the games with the housework instead.  Enjoy the rest of your Monday.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

It's the weekend, time for some creative funnies.

Good morning and how are you this Saturday?
Boy was it cold yesterday, still snow was forecast so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.  
Whilst I am writing this the snow has yet to arrive, hopefully we will be lucky and it will skirt past and head for higher ground.  
It has become a bit of a habit after "sharing an oldie" on a Friday to follow with some crafty giggles. 
Well it is the weekend after all and this weekend I am off, did I mention before?!
I intend on catching up on some jobs I have yet to get around too and then lots of crafting.  
Ever hopefully.  Maybe one or two cards.  

Back to today and here are the funny quotes that made me smile yesterday.

It's not like I don't share but it's nice to be asked if you can use all my mighty fine crafty stash.  LOL.
And it's not just the scrapbook supplies, it's ALL of my crafty stash! 
I don't know about you but I have a very large pixie that borrows my scalpel or scissors and is always pinching envelopes.  I don't so much mind the envelopes but the scalpel always returns blunt and my scissors are not designed to cut the top off a Christmas tree.  (That's a story for another day!) Needless to say that pair of scissors had to be replaced.

This next funny would be if I went to work to craft, sadly this doesn't occur anymore.  I could think of nothing better than playing, sorry working with paper all day.

Finally today, this is what I intend to do on Sunday when all my men folk disappear for the day to Airsoft.  I shall be putting tea in the slow cooker and heading in!

If I put the slow cooker on low I should be OK for 48 hours, don't you think?
I don't think I've ever spent a solid 48 hours in my craft room, it sounds more like luxury than a challenge.

That's all from me for today, enjoy your weekend whatever your plans.  
Hopefully if I am productive on Sunday I should have some crafty sharing for the coming week.  
Fingers crossed till I get my hands on mighty fine crafty stash, or that would make card making rather difficult.
As Arnold would say "I'll be back" on Monday.  (Please tell me you also read that using his voice too?)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Time to grab and oldie and join me.

Good morning and how are you this Friday?
I hope you are all keeping fit and well, just in time for the weekend.  
It's my weekend off too.  
I wonder what will be happening?  
My boys are all busy Sunday so I am hoping for a little craft time.  Fingers crossed.

Back to today and it is oldie time again.  Time to dig out an old crafty make and share along with me. 
This card is going way, way back and is a little paper piecing for you using Winter Maggie from Sugar Nellie stamps.  Isn't she cute?  Shame she is no longer available.

I would love to tell you what I have used in this card but unfortunately it is such an old post I didn't list what I used to make it.  Bad planning!  It isn't even a set of papers that I recognise.
I would imagine that as the card is over eight years old, none of the products are now available.
A real oldie!  ;)

I'd love it if you joined me sharing an oldie today, I do enjoy seeing what you have picked too.
I have attached a link below for you to play along plus it means I will visit you too, sharing the love of crafting and how styles change.

It only remains for me to wish you all the very best for the coming weekend.  I hope you have a good one and thank you if you have joined me.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Planting a seed, I wonder will it grow?

Good morning, just, how are you today?  I've been missing in action the last couple of days.
My hubby has been away to London with work.  It is amazing how fast the day goes when you are not sharing in the chores and dog walking.  I know that is the normal for most people but we tend to split things at home depending on hours worked.
I have also been in work the last couple of days, mmmm some of the new summer ranges look lovely. A few of the new nibbles and BBQ things shall be taste tested for tea tonight.  It would be so wrong not to test them, how could I recommend them if I didn't eat them myself?  That's my excuse and I am sticking to it!
I do like my food.

As I haven't got near anything crafty over the last couple of days I thought I'd share a couple of other photos with you today.
One of my friends has recently bought a wee business in the village which is situated in the harbour.
It is a beach themed shop and she has asked me to think about some bits and bobs for it.  I saw this material whilst in Inverness last week and I thought it would be perfect.

It has been a while since the old sewing machine has been out and my boys are all off to Airsoft on Sunday.  A day to play!  I might just dust down my machine and make up some bunting.  I haven't made up my mind yet but the grey matter is keen to get going.
Another case of watch this space.

I also wanted to share this plant with you.

My best friends father gave me this plant and the basket was a Christmas present from another pal last year.  I would tell you what it was but I can't remember, how bad is that?
He gave both my best pal and I a cutting after we had seen a similar one shown at the Gala last year. We had both said what a lovely flower it has.  I'd forgotten all about it but he didn't and after a visit home my BFF was sent back here with the two plants.
My pal has been lovingly looking after hers and it has yet to flower, mine seems to be flourishing on neglect.
I tend to leave my plants alone till they're bone dry and then water them.  I could say that I am green fingered but I am not I just seriously neglect them.

If you know the flower do let me know.  It looks a lot like a cross between a primula (because of the leaves) and flower is more like an orchid (well, a little bit).  I am probably totally wrong.  My gardening skills are very much based on trial and error but things seem to grow.  Is it just good luck?!
My sweet pea seeds are coming on and I have tomatoes planted too, not quite self sufficient but more of a dabbler!

That's all from me today I hope you have an enjoyable Thursday.  I am away to get some of my daily chores out of the way then I might get some craft time in later.  More from me tomorrow, can you believe it's Friday again already, will you be joining me with an oldie?

Monday, April 11, 2016

A little hexagonal hooking! The mind boggles!

Good afternoon and how are you this Monday?
It is quite cold and overcast here today but I am not complaining as I have three full washing loads dry and bedding back on ironed.  It's the small things in life that bring the most joy, I just love fresh bedding but hate the fight with the king size duvet in the process.

Did you have a good weekend?
On Friday we didn't quite make it out of Lockdown, although we did have the final clue to get out of the room, we didn't realise it and got locked in.  Gulp.  It was funny.  
Hubby was so frustrated as we had the answer fifteen minutes before the end of the hour but got sidetracked thinking there was more problems to solve.  It was a real mental challenge, I loved it.
I also managed a quick visit to Hobbycraft whilst in Inverness, I didn't buy much but always a bonus having a wander around fine crafty products.

On Saturday at work it was busy but our section managed all our work in the allotted time we had.  It doesn't happen very often.  I've been there five years this coming October and I think when I've been in we've only managed it about four times.  There is just so much to do!

Yesterday I wasn't feeling the best, not been getting quality sleep of late and have therefore been suffering a bit with the odd headache.  I therefore had a very quiet day and managed a little crocheting.
The blanket is fairly coming on now although stitching together is taking longer than I thought it would.  This is where it would have been so much easier doing squares, but I never pick the easy route.  I've got to hope I can manage to get some more wool as Hobbycraft no longer do these shades. :(
I have got more balls of wool at the ready but whether it will be enough only time will tell.

I'm in work tomorrow and Wednesday so probably very little crafting time for me over the next few days.  I am hoping to get to play at some point Thursday or Friday if I get all my jobs done and dusted.

Thanks to Barb, Maarit, Kate and Cara for your craft room names on Saturday, I had a lovely giggle when I got home from work, cup of tea in hand.  I really appreciate you taking the time out to answer the question if your craft room was a TV program.  Loved all your answers ladies.  x

That's all from me today.  Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Morning and how are you this weekend?
A day at work for me and no doubt it will be a busy one but that's just the way I like it, the day passes fast.
My post on a Saturday has become a bit of a joke!  Well, it is the weekend and the whole idea of this?
Why. it's quite simple, to make you smile.
Here are the funny crafty quotes that caught my attention this week.

This first one is quite applicable as my boys are back to school on Monday and guess what?  
Mum is quite looking forwards to it.  I hope I am not alone but it will be nice to get the house up straight and get back into the normal routine.  It also means if I am organised and get the jobs done I might get some mighty fine crafting done.  

Now to my dream world, what can I say but I totally agree with this next quote.  Free paper, healthy chocolate and thinner, what's not to like?

This next one always makes me smile I don't very often use "floppy" card and if it is I tend to do a lot of matting and layering to build up the strength of it.  It did make me laugh though, most of us paper crafter's have the odd tendency to stroke paper knowing the weight of it at touch!
Yes, I know you do it too?
Floppy card doesn't quite make the grade.  If you know what I mean.  :)

I have an extra quote for you this week, actually a question.

If my craft room was a TV show it would be called "My piece of Paradise" because it is where I chillaxe and play.  For the alternate point of view I asked my boys what they'd call my craft room, my favourite answer, that I can share with you is...."I'm a crafter, get me out of HERE!"
I therefore end today's funny quotes by asking you what TV show would your crafty space be called?
I look forwards to reading your answers.
Have a super weekend everyone and happy crafting. 

Friday, April 08, 2016

It's Friday again time to share an oldie.

Morning folks and how are you this Friday?
We're planning another trip to Inverness today at some point to have another go at Lockdown, it should be fun.  No doubt I shall tell you about it over the weekend.

It's that time of the week again when I encourage you to re post an old crafty project and link back here.  It can be anything that you have made yourself in the past.  The idea of starting sharing an oldie came about when I read an article about blogging. it recommended sharing past work which not all folk who now visit your blog may have seen.  I also find it really interesting seeing everyone's crafty journey and enjoy my little weekend blog hop.
I would love it if you would join me and for those who already do play along, may I take this opportunity to thank you for doing so.
Here's my oldie for this week.  I've gone all die cuts and embossing this Friday.

For this card I have used Spellbinder A4 embossing folder dots and Splendid circles, using the circles to create a locking device on a 5" central gate fold card.  I have done this by attaching the larger circle to one side of the gate fold and the smaller circle to the other.
The sentiment is again by Just Rite.   Finally with pearls and seam binding from my stash and card from The Papeterie in Aberdeen.

You'll be pleased to know I got sidetracked yesterday afternoon and didn't start the big clear out, oh, it is so easy to do.  Today we are having a family day and then it's back to work for me tomorrow, that's going to be a bit of a shock to the system!
Enjoy your Friday folks and I look forwards to seeing what oldie you have picked this week, the inlinkz tool should be working this week as I have subscribed to the site.  We shall see how it goes but it should make it easier to join in.  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, April 07, 2016

How about a little more sparkle in your life?

Good afternoon and how are you today?
Very cloudy here in the North of Scotland but it's not raining!
Yes, you heard me correctly, it's stopped raining.  :)

Today I have another card using the lovely masks and sparkle by Imagination craft.

I have used the thistle mask together with Amethyst and Sage Green Sparkle medium.  The sentiment is by Hero arts and I have mounted on purple then white cardstock.  Another clean and simple card.

I managed to clear my ironing mountain yesterday with the help of a couple of films to watch in the process.  I always find having something interesting to watch always makes the time pass much quicker.
The plan this holiday was to start work in the loft and my son's bedroom with a view to decorate it but I have found the draw of my craft room too great!  Whoops.  I still have a couple of days left to start the whole process but the loft is such a massive job I really don't want to go there.  With the added bonus I don't know what else I will find there.
Maybe if I just do a few boxes at a time it won't seem so bad?
#The jobs you wish you never started.
At least when tidying the craft room I find nice things!
Wish me luck.

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday I'm afraid it's short and sweet from me today?

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Sending birthday wishes on hump day!

Good afternoon and how are you this Wednesday?
It's the middle of the week, all downhill now to the weekend and a shift at work Saturday.
It is overcast today but at least it has stopped raining.  It seems to have rained all week, hello April!
This morning I have been getting rid of the grey, if you know what I mean and then I've been finishing a couple of cards in my craft room.
The food shopping all done yesterday, I spent twice as much as normal, that's what happens when hubby comes with you.  He just fancied this, and that and steak etc.....  Still we shall eat like kings for a couple of days!  My boys seem to eat all the time at the moment I don't think the weather has helped but neither has the fact they just want to stay in all the time.
I shall be glad to get back to our usual routine next week, they're all needing back to school and work.

Today I have a more masculine card to share.  Remember this card last week?
I wanted to make a more male version.  I am not as happy with it as I was last weeks efforts, see what you think.

Again the sentiments are by Papertrey ink, I have gone for a navy and gold combo.  The little candles are an old punch that I found at the back of a draw.  Twine to finish.  I still prefer my other card but is that because I am a girl?  I just feel this is missing something.
Isn't it funny how a colour change or slight tweak can make all the difference, good or bad.

I also had a re run of yesterday's card that I entered into the LIS blog challenge.  If the design worked with lime green, would it work with orange?

For the products used see yesterday's post, the only difference this time I have used orange pearlescent card.  I really prefer this card to my earlier one.  The orange works just as well as the lime, don't you think?

Although we haven't done a lot this holiday I have enjoyed the extra time I have had in my craft room.  Still work is calling me, you should see the state of my ironing pile having gone on strike this last week.  Crampons at the ready I'm going in.

Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday, thank you to all that commented yesterday I do appreciate you taking the time out to do so.  I will be visiting you all later today.
More from me tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

LIS with a touch of colour, let's celebrate!

Good morning all and how are you today?
Another April day here, dreich all round but let's hope the weather improves as the day goes on.
As I mentioned in yesterday's post I was spending the afternoon playing, whoops wrong word, creating in my craft room.
I do feel I should be dragging my kids out, albeit kicking and shouting but they're having none of it.
I think we've reached the point where they'd rather play with their friends on line than be seen out with the oldies.  I can understand this with my eldest child as he is 17 but my youngest is not yet 12.
I fear the fact he has a much older brother makes him try to be older than he really is in some ways.
The joys.  I should have had them closer together but hubby was elsewhere at the time, for Queen and country so to speak.

As you know since starting back at work I have been championing the LIS card style, you can get more made in a shorter time scale, although sometimes not if I can't get a design to work as it did in my head.
I haven't played along with the lovely ladies at the "Less is More" blog for such a long time so as I had some holiday time spare I decided to have a go.  This challenge is white space but not white!
I have been making a lot more LIS more but always with a white background so I decided to play around with an idea I had yesterday.  This is what I came up with.

I have used a lime green pearlescent card and added chicken wire left and right with a stencil, by Crafter's workshop, and modelling paste, by DecorArt.  After it had dried I added the die cut sentiment and stamp in black, by Papertrey ink.  Finally adding a few black gems then layering on black then a white card.
I love the texture that the paste gives to the card creating a 3d effect but still flat enough for standard postage.

I'd like to enter this card into the "Less is More" challenge this month and take the opportunity to thank the ladies for a great challenge.  Why not give it ago yourself?
Thanks also to Cara for the heads up, loving her card for this challenge.

That's all from me today, I've got the dreaded food shop to go and do now.  Can't wait!  Not.
I would much rather be crafting, wouldn't you?

Monday, April 04, 2016

Adding a little sparkle to life!

Good afternoon and how are you all today?
April has hit with vengeance, the last couple of days it has been none stop rain.
Drip, drip, drip little April showers!
You know what rain is good for though, staying in the warm and crafting!
Who said housework?!  Really.

Did you have a good weekend?
I had a very relaxing one.  Enjoying a couple of family films, some crafting and some fine food and drink.

Over the weekend I have continued with the CAS style of cards.
It really is me just now.
I decided to get my Sparkle medium back out and my stencils.  This is what I came up with.

I have used the daisy stencil together with Gold shine, Sage green and Diamond sparkle.
The sentiment is by Papertrey ink and then I have layered on matching green card stock.
You don't really get the best sparkle effect in the photo as it is quite a dull day today.  The green matches so well when the light hits the card.

I am entering this card to the 4 Crafty chicks challenge for this month's anything goes.

I have a hankering to get some more glitter out!
I think I might be coming down with something, not normally being a glitter girl.  Maybe I should get some inks out instead and get all grungy, that might help my affliction!
Maybe not.

That's all from me today I seem to have caught the card making bug again so I am away to play. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Have you tried a little Lockdown.

I don't normally post on a Sunday but I thought I would share a little Inverness entertainment with you.
On Friday afternoon the family decided to have a little time out together at a recently new attraction in Inverness called Lockdown.

At Lockdown you enter a room, it's not a normal room and are locked in!
You have an hour to work out the combination to a safe which allows you to retrieve a key and exit the room.  We decided to do the Area 51 room which had an Alien theme.
An hour to save the planet, gulp!
When you first enter the room you do feel a little like a rabbit in the headlights, not really knowing where to start.   We soon got the hang of things and after quite a bit of fumbling, some team work and a few problems solved we did manage to exit the room with only 7 minutes and 38 seconds left on the clock.  Phew!  Just in time.
The boys both managed a couple of key points which was great.
It good fun for all the family.
The only downside is that the hour goes far too fast, when you are busy clue solving.
Or if you have teens like mine it is just long enough to spend out socialising with your embarrassing parents!  ;)
The rooms are for 2 to 6 people, great for groups, families and friends.
Why not give it a go yourself?
Can you save the world?!

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Time to tickle that creative funny bone.

It has become a bit of a habit on a Saturday for me to share with you a few creative quotes that I have found during the week.  Here are the few that made me smile this week.

The first is for all my crafting buddies stateside.  It is always the first thing I want to do when going to America and I have been known to spend as long in Michael's as at Disney.

You can keep Frozen ladies, "Do I want to go to Michaels?"
Silly question really, who wouldn't want to go?  My idea of heaven or could it be hell, all those lovely things you can't bring home because of baggage allowance.

For this next quote I find following it can get you into trouble with the other half.  
My top tip is leave out the hoover, plugged in and ready to go, spray your furniture polish and then head into the craft room.  No one will ever know.  Then you jump into action as you hear the car on the drive.

Your secret is safe with me.
If you haven't done the above yet?  Why not?
It works perfectly!
Why not give it a go and let me know how you get on.

Finally to all you tidy crafters out there, that is NOT normal!
I'm a messy crafter all the way, how about you?

Only of course when it comes to creative matters.  The mess does help.  That's my excuse and I am sticking to it.

That's all from me today, I hope you've enjoyed my picks for this week.  
Have a super weekend and more crafty fun from me real soon.

Friday, April 01, 2016

It's Friday again, time to resurrect an oldie, crafty style.

Good morning and how are you this Friday?
April fools day today, did anyone get you this morning?
I wouldn't dream of doing so, it's that time of the week again, time again to share an oldie with me.  You know the drill by now, share a previously posted handmade item and link back to me.  I will visit all who join in.

My oldie today is one from my Sugar bowl days over at the Sugar Nellie challenge blog.
As we have had lighter nights this week with the promise of Spring on the way, I thought Sweet Pea was appropriate for today.

My sweet pea seeds that I planted earlier in the year have also decided to grow and are now about 3 inches in height.  I don't normally have much success with seeds preferring to buy plug plants.  It really is nice when a plan works.

Back to my card.

We've got a little 3D action going on this time.

I have made a 6" box card and popped Lil'l Sweet Pea in the centre coloured with prisma pencils on kraft.  The card is from the Papeterie in Aberdeen, the butterfly die by SU and the Sweet pea sentiment and flowers are by Creative Expression, bling and glitter from my stash.

Have you got an oldie today?
If you have joined me let me take the opportunity to thank you for playing along, I do appreciate it.
It only remains for me to wish you all the very best for the coming weekend.  
I'm off this weekend, mmm what will I get up to?

Sorry ladies I have just popped back on to let you know, thanks to Jenny, that my link up tool isn't working this week.  Upon further investigation apparently you only get one free link and then you are charged for the privilege.  As I make no money from blogging I need to investigate this matter further.  For now if you leave a comment below I will get back to you.
Enjoy the weekend.  x