Monday, October 12, 2015

Less we forget......crafty style!

Afternoon already and the start of my holidays, I have great intentions of doing a lot of sorting out this week, a little crafting and plenty of jobs, not to mention some time with the family too.
How did my morning start, a cup of tea and my next book in the Outlander series, I am a complete nightmare once I get my nose in a book!  Especially a good book.

A busy day at work was had on Saturday as things start and ramp up to the festive season.  
Yesterday a few jobs under my belt I decided to start a couple of new crochet projects.

Every year at this time I make a limited supply of poppies for Remembrance day next month.  Now I know some people make them and profit from them, I couldn't do that being x-forces.  I provide my time and all the stash required at my own cost and all the money that is donated for them goes to The British Legion.  
I think with the background both myself and my hubby have it is ingrained early on in your career that it is a charity to be supported.  Put it this way if you didn't display a poppy on your uniform at this time of year you were in trouble.  Some things just "stick" for all the right reasons!
I haven't decided how many I am making this year but I set to yesterday designing this years effort.

It is very similar to some designs on the web but has been adjusted slightly for my own benefit.
Having placed my work in progress on my Facebook page with a note, leaf or no leaf. the overwhelming response was with leaf with immediately orders for four.  Thanks ladies!
Now I suppose I need to get cracking and make more and then I think a wee box to put it in may also be required. 

I hope you had a good weekend?
Did you enjoy some you time or some crafting?  I hope so.
That's all from me today, back tomorrow with some more craftiness.


  1. A gorgeous crochet poppy, you are very clever, such a worthy cause too. They will look lovely worn an a lapel and last so much longer than the paper ones.

  2. Your poppy looks lovely Erika. I have a friend who is very involved with the Women's section of the British Legion. She goes on the trip to Belgium every November. She makes crochet poppies each year and the money goes to the charity. I agree that it's not a thing to make money from and I buy a new poppy each year. Wouldn't feel right to bring the same one out to wear year after year. Well Done you! Barbxx

  3. Hi Erika, your poppy for this year is lovely, I've still got my lovely white one you made for me last year. I'm pleased that you are getting plenty of orders and going to a great cause. Have you ever thought of making more white ones? Not that we would ever forget the sacrifices that we made by all involved in the wars, but I feel the world needs peace and that is why I wear a white poppy, just a thought Erika.
    Enjoy your holiday, I hope you get good weather for it, Kate x

  4. Erika, another lovely poppy and a good cause getting the money, yes the forces back ground stays doesn't? I got my felt poppy out today, we are away to Charliesc regimental reunion a week on Saturday and poppies have to be worn, but I can see there will be ones that will turn up as usual with out, but the box will be there for them to buy one. xxx

  5. Love this Erika and one of the most worthy charities to support. Enjoy your week off. Carol x

  6. How lovely Erika, you are certainly talented and kind to make the poppies for the British Legion.

    Hugs Diane


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x