Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's Saturday and time to tickle that creative funny bone again.

Good morning all, how are you this Saturday?
It's the weekend off for me so this morning I'm heading down to our school fair, who knows what the rest of my day will bring, I've got no plans as yet.  It would be nice to get some warm weather instead of the rain we've been having on and off all week.  How disturbing is it watching the news from down south and everyone is out enjoying the sunshine and you are like really?!  Are we in the same country?!

Today's funnies have a crocheting theme starting with this one.  My boys have been watching a program from the States called American Guns, it is a company that makes custom guns.
I know, scary but the program is strangely interesting.  I saw this and thought this is the crafty girlie's equivalent.

I've been told by friends, who really don't know me well enough that I can be a little bit O.C.D.
One look in my craft room and they'd see I am not.
Anyway this quote is for them, if I am to have O.C.D, this is the reason.
Nothing wrong with that don't you agree?

On the same topic, this is my excuse and I am sticking to it.  Don't get me wrong I like the rest of the house to be quite tidy but when it comes to getting crafty I like LOTS of creative freedom!

Finally in honour of the new Minions film out this weekend I had to end on one of their quotes.  We went to see the film last night and then had a meal afterwards.  
I was warned by my boys not to laugh out loud whilst watching the film as I embarrass them. Apparently I have the unique ability to laugh at a totally different time in the film to everyone else!
Shall we just say my sense of humour is obviously a little different and leave it at that.  
I was praised for my restraint after the film but I did laugh in my head a lot, the ladies who sat behind us obviously also shared my SOH as they laughed as much as me and at all the same moments.
I have to say this quote is a perfect reason not to do the housework and enjoy crafting instead.

Like I ever need an excuse.  Wink, wink.

Have a super weekend, hope you find a little time to craft.  I'm working on a new project just now, I'm hoping to make a couple of crochet Thistles for teachers gifts.  Watch this space!


  1. I totally agree with the last Erika...still trying to get the cleaning finished here before we go away, think I'm fighting a losing battle though! Carol x

  2. Good morning Erika,
    Another fantastic selection of "funnies"
    Hope you are having a great weekend.
    Patricia xxx

  3. Oh Erika I have just had a good laugh at these, and the last one it's fab. Maybe that's how my son and DIL think??? Went to theirs two weeks ago and the pile of clean washing was still in the same place along with another pile. Charlie returned the camera lens he borrowed it was still on the floor where Chris had put it. Hazel x


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x