Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Distress Paint

Oh my have you seen these too! 
The new Distress paints from Tim Holtz and Ranger....I so will be needing some of these.
How about you?

Today I have been to Inverness to see about getting my wee car fixed...of course it meant a trip to Dunelm Mill and Hobbycraft too.  Home with new curtains to put up and hem along with a new hobby to have a go at!  More to be revealed tomorrow.


Kirsti said...

Oh yes...I have already placed ALL of them in my basket on pre-order numerous times...lol..xxx

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Erika, isn't Dunelm great and just beside Hobbycraft, what more could a girl want, except Howdens right next door to them, kate x

Kat said...

I saw those Distress Paints. Don't the colours look yummy?!

A new hobby! Where do you get the time lol?!!

Kat xx

Juls said...

yummm!!! I def need some of those!! Yes I am a tad addicted to Dunelm and Hobbycraft too!!! cant believe we have in Inverness now!! .... I will not know what to do on holiday trips now, that was always a day trip out whenever I went to see my inlaws or y auntie!!! - hope you got some lovely goodies!! Hugs Juls

Lori said...

Absolutely can not wait to try them!!! So very fun!!