Monday, July 23, 2012

Time for a little tea and cake.

I didn't finish all my ironing yesterday as I got side tracked by my boys in to making some cakes.  I made some on Saturday morning for the refreshments for our afternoon gala.  My boys hovered after I'd finished them but were told "hands off they're not for you!"  What a bad mummy I am!  LOL.
My youngest was most put out so I promised him that I would make some more.  Butter icing made the appearance on my gala cakes so I decided to have a play with some fondant icing for a change.

Blue for boys...but with a flower and glitter!  It didn't matter to them by the end of the day they'd all gone. 
Today I think I shall start by catching up on my ironing and then I think a bike ride is in store.  Mind you I do hope to get some crafting done later.  I have a couple of card orders I'd like to get sorted but I'm also out tonight.  Can I have a few more hours in a day please?!  It's my own fault staying up late then a lazy morning.....must get cracking.  Enjoy your Monday.


  1. they look great Erika. Hope you had a nice day

  2. these look lovely, hope you had a fab day

    love teen


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x