Wednesday, May 09, 2012


It's that time again...where does the week go.  Back around to hump day and what have I got?
Today I am starting working towards my demo on Saturday at Papercraft's boutique in Elgin. 
The night before I start my demo work I always clear my desk before getting new stash out so I'm ready to go in the morning.  In hope that I wake up with my mojo at full steam ahead!
What am I working with this time....?!

Oooh I'm in for another fun day....lots of stamping and inking, colouring and die cutting.  Can't wait to get started.  Time to play.
Why not pop on over to the lovely Julia's blog and check out some other desks.  I will be having a look later on this evening.

Finally the post below has my wee funny for today.  It was sent to me by my dad and really made me giggle, I hope it puts a smile on your face this Wednesday.

Have a good one.  x


  1. Hi Erika...thanks for today's crafty snoop...looks like you are going to be having lots of creative fun...happy WOYWW...hugs kath (44) xxx

  2. Love the crafty space! Looks like fun times are ahead. Love the little video. Too funny. I have those moments more than I care to admit! LOL! Have a great WOYWW! -Amanda x93

  3. Oh send that desk to me pretty please ♥♥♥

  4. lots of lovely goodies, I'll be working Saturday :0( but hope you have fun x

  5. Lots of lovely crafty goodies on your desk, it certainly looks like you are going to have lots of fun :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #49

  6. Lots of fabulous stuff going on.


  7. Am seeing those pens on lots of desks :) Have fun playing!

    Carmen #107

  8. I always love to watch your desk !! :-))

  9. You have some very nice dies, stamps and papers on your quite organised desk this week. Thanks for the snoop. Anne #2

  10. Mmm, lots of yummy fun stash there to play with! Thanks for the peek!

  11. Sorry, I'm 152. I always forget that bit.

  12. Hope you've had a lovely inky time today - lots of crafty loveliness in your workspace to play with - thanks for sharing - (Hazel, WOYWW #95) x

  13. Hi Erika, lots of lovely crafting goodies to play with on your desk (again) lol. I have the stamp set with the motor bike on but couldn't get my colouring to look right.
    I need to practice more.
    Happy WOYWW
    Lottie x

  14. Lots of fabulous crafty goodies have fan, love your tag on the post before... Gorgeous.. Hugs May x x x#31

  15. wow now that's an awesome bunch of stuff to be playing with. have fun!!


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x