Tuesday, October 25, 2016

It's the little things that make the biggest surprises.

Good afternoon and how are you this Tuesday?
I should have been at work today but had a wee shift change this week to fit a couple of appointments in.  My first a trip was to the dentist, my four month check up.  All was good so I promptly came home and had a cuppa with a toasted scone to celebrate, as the title says, it's the little things!
I had an unexpected day off after my trip to the dentist, would I be productive.  I do have housework, a card order and countless Christmas cards to make, so what to do?
I sat and started a Christmas present!  You weren't expecting me to say that were you?
As it is for Christmas I can't show you much as I don't want to spoil the surprise but here is a sneak peak of my first part.

I'm not giving you a lot to go on am I?  MMMMM. What can it be?!
LOL.  I'm afraid you are going to have to wait as I don't want to spoil the surprise.  All I am hoping is that it looks like the pattern and it doesn't end up being a "nailed it" moment.

I also had a lovely surprise today.  My husband doesn't very often render me speechless but he has today.
This arrived with my name on it but it said ordered by him.  The plot thickens.
I couldn't think what it could be, so I opened it.  This is what I found.

Now those of you who know me, know that this is one charity I support.
I usually make poppies for this time of year, I haven't this November, instead I have supported the charity during the year by other means.
When I saw this box I got, dare I say, a little excited.  There had been something on their site I had admired but no he couldn't have, could he?  He wasn't even here when I had looked!

Goodness me, he had you know.
At this point of opening it I am not afraid to say I had trouble reading the certificate.  Sniff.
What was inside?

Beautifully packaged.  A fabulous Somme poppy in a beautiful red box.

Each 1916 Somme poppy commemorates the life of a Soldier who died in the battle and is made from a brass shell from the said battlefield.  My soldier is Private G E D Bishop who was in the West Riding Regiment.  He died on 24/09/16.
I had to share this today as I am so grateful, it will be treasured and I think it might even inspire me to look into the life of Private Bishop.  I wonder where it might take me?
I do love history.  I will let you know if I find anything.

On that note it's tea time again and my brood shall be shouting soon if I don't make a move.
Back to the little things!
I shall be back later this evening to catch up with you all in blogland.  Enjoy the rest of your day.


  1. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift to be treasured and yes you should research him x

  2. Oh Erika how thoughtful your husband is, a gift to be treasured, I would definitely try to learn more about this fallen soldier, so very touching, Kate x

  3. What a wonderful hubby you have. Such a special gift to help your charity and most certainly to be treasured. It would be lovely to find out about Private Bishop and if you do I hope you will share with us. Barbxx

  4. Wow. Your gift from hubby is amazing. Something to really treasure. I do geaneology so to find out about your soldier would be so nice for you to be able to relate to. Hope you can find out some more details and do please let us know in blogland what you find out.ps. If you need any help/pointers let me know. Hugs Mrs A.

  5. Oh how thoughtful of your husband to get this gift for you and like the others have said you should definitely research this soldier.

  6. What a lovely gift Erika, one to treasure...keep meaning to order one of these myself. I think it's lovely they're dedicating each one to a specific soldier too.
    Look forward to seeing your crochet work later in the year! Carol x

  7. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Thanks a lot for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on...

  8. Oh wow !! what a gift !!


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x