Saturday, June 18, 2016

It's Saturday how about a creative giggle?

Good morning and how are you this Saturday morning?
Whilst I am busy working away today it has become a bit of a habit to look out some creative funny quotes to lighten the mood for the weekend.  Hopefully this weeks selection will make you smile or maybe even giggle.

This first one we have all suffered from. 
Patricia I had you in mind with this one today after recent changes to your computer. 
I find I have this problem every time we get a new computer system, printer or program.  I'm sure that I am not alone.  The Tasmanian Devil can frequently be heard from my craft room if I am trying something new on the computer!

This next quote I wish I suffered from, a little OCCD (obsessive compulsive crafting disorder!)

If only, I'd have one tidy craft room if I did.  I'm sorry to those of you who are very good and tidy but in my little sanctuary it doesn't come naturally.

This final quote I need to heed.  

As mentioned earlier in the week, I am my own worst critic of my work.  Lots of us creative people tend to be.  I think this going to be a favourite mantra of mine.  It is all about the enjoyment of the process. 

Time for me to go as this is getting a bit deep and is supposed to be light and airy, it is the weekend! 
Enjoy it, whatever your plans, create something enjoyable, have fun and more from me next week. 


  1. Definitely the last one for me Erika, I now just laugh and say it's my signature that there is an imperfection. Don't work too hard, Kate x

  2. Erika, if you had not mentioned my name I think just might have guessed that first funy was aimed at ME!!!!
    Computers ... men .... frustration!!! You just can't beat them can you???
    Great selection as always
    Have a great weekend
    Patricia xxx

  3. Fab thoughts, I definitely have a love hate relationship with technology! Cara x


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x