Saturday, May 30, 2015

It's Saturday, time for some funny crafting quotes.

It's that time again, here's "something for the weekend" to tickle your funny bone whilst I'm away for a girlie crafty day out.  Yippee.
Today is going to be a good day!

The first crafty funny I have for you is this.....

Go on admit it you sang that to the song from A little Mermaid, didn't you?  If not, why not?
Just me then.  I love that Disney film, it's one of my favourites.
BACK to crafting;  I'm sure part of being a crafter is the ability to hoard lots of lovely stash, no amount is too much, you never know when it will come in for the next big project!

Talking of projects, have you ever thought.....

Mmmm did you get away with it?
I tend to find that making something for someone is the only way a project gets to leave my craft room.

You know you are a party animal when....

What I want to know is, what is wrong with that?  OK I might push the boat out on a Saturday night and maybe swap a glass of wine for the tea or maybe a B and C.  Would that be wrong?
It depends how good you are at counting after a couple of drinks.
It could be one interesting project!

This final funny made me laugh and is not craft related but have you ever done honest now.

I blame breast feeding, mine have never been the same.  I can remember a good pal telling me years ago not to do it as she lost her boobs.  It had the opposite effect for me, and that is all I am going to say on that matter.  I'm just glad there isn't a camera by the stairs at work!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks, more from me next week.


  1. By the time you read this you will have enjoyed your crafty day and I hope you had a great time, you lucky thing :)
    Great quotes and funnies today - yes I did sing Little mermaid... have lots of projects that have stayed in my possession... my Saturday nights are most definitely the best party time ever sitting at my craft desk and yep! I do the stair thing, lol.
    Enjoy your weekend and Happy Birthday for tomorrow!

  2. I think the answer was yes to all your questions Erika! Breast feeding had the same effect on me, thank goodness I only fed one of them!! Hope you've had a wonderful crafty day today and enjoy tomorrow. Carol x

  3. More great ones Erika. I hope you had a great time crafting, saw Kaths photos of you all beavering away. Hazel x

  4. Hi Erika, super quotes, I have'nt a clue what the Little Mermaid sounds like.
    What do think of this.....I am known for taking my knitting to parties, and depending how good the party is going I can get almost a sock knitted. I get bored, and think to myself, I could be sitting knitting, so I do, friends are used to me now.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend, hugs Kate x

  5. Borrowed one of your funnies for our Facebook page! Thanks for thinking crafty!!


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x