Thursday, May 08, 2014

Sewing machine at the ready, did you guess correctly?

Morning and a better day today.  The sun is out although it's a little cloudy but no torrential rain yet, like yesterday.  It feels more like April than May.

Moving on I didn't quite finish my project last night but it is now done and dusted.  Some of you were very nearly correct, I intend to make bunting with the material I have left when I purchase some more seem binding.  I think I will cut it out and have it ready to go, hopefully that will encourage me to crack on and finish it later in the week.

This is what I was making.....

In my hall I have attached some old style hooks and added sea side pictures, reliving fond memories from junior school days!
The boxes above have hats, scarves and gloves in.  I wanted something to denote who's basket was who's hence bunting shaped tags with our initials on.
It is the first time I've tried to applique initials onto material......I need more practice!  It's a bit fiddly.
Still they'll do the job and I'm happy with my first attempt.

I'm planning to make the bunting for my mirror bigger so that you can really appreciate the lovely seaside material.  #Love it.   Maybe three from the corner of the mirror?  Decisions, decisions!

What are you up to this Thursday?


  1. looks fab Erika!!

  2. What a smashing idea Erika, it had to be bunting in some way.
    Cloudy/sunny here, but still put washing out, hugs Kate x

  3. That looks fabulous! How lovely to do the hall in the seaside theme.
    Those hooks look great. Nothing like a little organizations with 4 at home. Love the baskets!

  4. looks great you clever girly. Don't know where you find the time to do all this crafty stuff, I am chasing my tail all the time just now and getting nothing done xx

  5. What a fantastic idea, you clever girl.
    I really like your baskets. Mine would be full of Crafty Stuff and the "hats, scarves & gloves" crammed in a drawer.
    Happy crafting

    Patricia xx

  6. Erika you have given me an idea for all the hats etc at work, will have to do a bit of sorting out before I get baskets etc. but I think it will work, so thank you for the idea. Hazel x

  7. so very creative, and practical too!!! Hugs Juls

  8. Oh wonderful idea, super !!!!


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x