Friday, January 31, 2014

Hooking part two the revenge of the heart!

Good evening all.
I've had a lovely day out with my pal Irene in Inverness today....a girlie shopping day.
Not much on the crafty front purchased, just material, thread and zips to finish my granny square cushions.
I did manage to get a few girlie bits in M & S and a new purse from Ness to match my bag Santa brought me.  Plus a lovely lunch out and a bit of browsing too.

Remember yesterday I showed you a heart I'd been having a go at?
With little success.
Here is number two which is a little better.  Practise makes perfect!

This is the start of some Valentine bunting and is from a pattern here.  With a big thank you to Happy berry for sharing such a fab pattern.  
Hopefully now I've got a couple under my belt I might get better at's the magic circle that's the fun part, it does make the design a bit fiddly.  However Happy berry does say if you can master it, it is a useful trick.  
I shall keep practising.  You really should go and have a look at the pattern because her bunting is beautiful.

I have a day off tomorrow and I'm planning on stocking up on more paint and maybe a little baking.  I did mention it would be nice to have a family day out but none of my lot seemed interested!

The snow looks as if it might be good at the moment on our Scottish mountains although we don't have here, maybe I can persuade them to have a day out weather permitting?

Have a super weekend what ever you have planned and I'll be back next week with some more crafty exploits.  

As I'm not at work tomorrow I think I might leave you now and go and pour myself a cheeky little B and C! 
Cheers everyone and a happy weekend all round.  x


  1. Sounds like my kind if day, I enjoy Inverness especially with my friends.
    I LOVE your beautiful "heart" it is so sweet. Would be beautiful on a card.
    Thomas and his school friends had to abandon their Skiing when the snow became too much. They had a police escort out and had to take the long way back home due to road closures.
    Have a great family weekend

    Patricia xx

  2. Erika your heart looks great. Can't wait to see the rest when made into your bunting!!! Funny how family don't want to do things when you do but ifs different if they want and you don't enjoy your day off anyway.

    Hazel x

  3. Hi Erika, love your little heart it's lovely.
    Pleased you had such a great day with your friend, and got some shopping done. Ness products are so lovely.
    Have a great weekend whatever you do, we are off to see 12 years a slave tonight, hugs Kate x

  4. Lovely little heart Erika. Happy Berry's bunting is beautiful - I had to have a look at it!

    Sounds like you had a lovely day with your friend.

    Kat xx

  5. This is so sweet!! Hugs Juls


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x