Thursday, January 23, 2014

A little black and white number!

Good morning all, the weather has caught up with us this morning and it's a grey and cloudy start to the day, boo, hiss.  I'm back in my craft room with the hope of being more constructive than yesterday which ended up with just more tidying.  You think I would be getting somewhere but it really is debatable.
I have my hubby home painting the kitchen today getting ready for me to attack it with sandpaper and my little one off sick, again.  Mind you he has bounced back already this morning!  Mmmm!

I have an appointment with the hairdressers this afternoon which I am looking forwards to I go for a new style, that is the question? Decisions, decisions.

Today I thought I'd share a little black and white number with you whilst I'm beavering away.  I don't think you can beat black and white when it comes to a classic style of card.  This is created using Hero art stamps and a PATP by Martha Stewart.

Nice and simple!

That's all from me today and I'll be back again tomorrow with more crafty fun.  
Have a good hump day!  x


  1. Erika love your black and white card it's very striking. Go for the new hair style it will grow back if you don't like how it turns out. Hope your wee one is on the mend.
    Hazel x

  2. Lovely card, love it, as always ;-)

  3. Looks lovely, hugs, Marion

  4. Beautiful Erika, really elegant. I love black and white cards.

    Kat xx

  5. This stamp works really well in the black and white theme and layout you've used. It's a really simple silhouette stamp but you can do some lovely stamping techniques with it. Our crafting group set a challenge where we had to choose a stamp and see how many different ways we could use it and I chose this stamp. You can see the results here. Looking back I much prefer your uncluttered look. My usual problem of not knowing when to stop. Hope you enjoyed your pampering this afternoon.
    Liz xx

  6. Love everything about this beautiful card.
    Hope the wee one is feeling better
    If you we went for a new hair style I hope you like it. If not it will soon grow out.
    Your good weather has sunk south..........we got it today
    The hill I see out my kitchen window has a dusting of snow. The ones behind are THICK with the stuff. Hope today is not the lull before the storm.
    Patricia xx

  7. Hello Erika, hope your little one is feeling better by now.
    Do what you feel like tomorrow, it might be a new stlye day, as Hazel says it will grow back if you make a mistake.

    Very stunning card, black and white is so striking, great image, hugs Kate x

  8. Very striking card. Hugs Juls


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x