Thursday, January 09, 2014

A little bit of gingerbread fun!

Back again, a little later today after spending a lovely day crafting in Elgin with a lovely know who you are. 
It is always lovely to share a hobby with like minded people and there is always something new to learn.

So what am I sharing today?
This is a little something I supervised before Christmas.  I was going to make one of these from scratch myself but I found these smaller kits in Allarburn Dairy and thought they were just perfect for the boys  to make rather than a full blown house.  With the busy run up to Christmas I saw this as a couple of hours fun with the boys perfect for a little mummy time.
We had to make up the icing sugar but everything was in the kit for them to work with.  I did smile looking back at the photographs.  The first one is by my youngest and as you can see from the photograph.....he ate as he went along. 

This is all his own handy work I just helped to keep the house upright as he slotted it together.

Now on to my oldest boys house, note the difference in sweets!

I did have to laugh at the older boys humour.....see if you can spot what I mean.  I give you a clue....look high!
How many sweets too?
Still is was a couple of hours of fun and they got to eat the house after we had finished, which I'm sure they'll point out was the best bit. 
These houses also came in plain biscuit and chocolate flavour if your child is not keen on Gingerbread. 
The company is called Village workshop and the kits can be found here.
"Such fun!"

Back to today and I've got the dentist shortly with my eldest then back home for tea.
Later I hope to get in a little crocheting, all being well.
Back tomorrow with more.  x


  1. Both are absolutely brilliant, and that "Santa got stuck in the chimney" is just great!!!! What a fantastic project to do with the boys. This is the kind of thing that I like to do with mine. Must go have a look.
    Not one of the ladies that Hazel and I have coffee with each week are in the least bit interested in crafting. Can you believe that?????
    Happy constructing

    Patricia xxx

  2. brilliant houses, lol at the roof of the second xx

  3. Erika these are great, oh I can imagine the fun that was had by all. I love doing things like this too.
    Hazel xx

  4. Absolutely brilliant Erika, your boys have done so well, and what a fun thing to do with them, love Santa sticking out of the chimney, hugs Kate x

  5. These look great Erika, fun for you and the boys and good to eat too. Loved Santa's legs sticking out of the chimney!

    Kat xx

  6. Super cute, love all the candies and icing. Very yummy indeed.

    Hugs diane

  7. It is lovely Erica, a sin to eat, hugs, Marion

  8. Oh it's fabulous to do this with your boys ! They're very creative too !!

    We're going to see my mum tomorrow. On the phone, she seems ok. She should leave the hospital Tuesday to go to another hospital for rehabilitation ;-)

    Have a fab week-end my dear friend !

  9. Poor Santa ;)

    Both are great houses. I threaten to do this every year. Hasn't happened yet!

    Susan x


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x