Monday, September 23, 2013

The third and final card from my purple range.

Hi folks and it will be late posts all around this week from me as I have a full week planned.  I am in at work everyday except Thursday and Sunday and I have a course on Thursday...more about that later. 
I predict not much crafting time this week! 
Mind you I will have to have some time in my little room as I have a couple of bespoke orders due this week.
Before I crack on with my card I must just mention Hairspray from Saturday night, WOW, OMG, what a show! 
I absolutely loved it.  If you haven't seen it you really must.  I giggled, sang, clapped, shuffled my feet and even shed a tear or two.  The singing was fantastic and made the X Factor look extremely sad, the dancing and acting was top notch too.  The conductor even had me laughing as he got right into the show and reminded me a little of Animal from the muppets. 
The boys enjoyed their first theatre experience that wasn't a panto although my youngest did have a wee wobble about sitting so high up...we were in the upper circle, not quite the gods but not far from it!  Boy it was warm up there.  An ice-cream at the interval was a welcome sight. 
Needless to say by the time we got home everyone was a little "pooped" so yesterday was spent having a chilled day and I even managed a little crocheting, even if I should have been ironing!

Back to my card before I have you all dozing off.  This is the last of my purple class from the Aberdeen retreat.

For this card I have used Spellbinder Embossing A4 folder dots together with Gold labels four, Vintage labels two and Fancy tags.  The sentiments are from Just Rite Live, love, laugh vintage labels two with pearls from my stash and paper from The Papeterie. 
I think this is a great sentiment, "Live life to the fullest today!"
I'm away to do just that with dog walking to do, ironing, (that I should have done yesterday!) tea and then maybe a little more crocheting.  Mind you better get those bespoke cards done first.
Enjoy your Monday in the sunshine as it has been glorious here today, blue skies and sun, I feel a walk coming on......x
Happy crafting.


  1. true saying there and fab card, hugs, Marion

  2. love this card and James has ordered me this set and vintage labels dies for my birthday so I will be looking for lessons :-)


  3. Erika your card is stunning, I just love it.

    Hazel xx

  4. What a wonderful snentiment and card. I am not usually fond of purple but don't mind these as the purple shade is nice and dark!

    Thanks for the comments on my quilting post. I know it is not card or paper related, but those ladies worked so hard. It is only a group of just over a dozen ladies who did all that work, all the set up, organized the food. decorated the hall, hung the quilts and then took it all down and cleaned the building! And most of them are over 65!
    The whole retreat cost 35 dollars...usually they are 300 to 500 dollars down at the coast where I live!

    That is our smaller building here. We have a huge building for family activities...\I of course, like this smaller one as I can go over any time, papercraft, leave all my tools out to go home for supper or lunch,and they are still there and safe when I return as it is adults only!

    Kiddies are great but can touch to have a wee peak at things that catch their eye and their hands might not be clean (you can tell this has happened to me in the past at the family building) lol

  5. Brilliant card Erika, I love how you have put it all together.
    Great sentiment.
    Glad you enjoyed the show, it's good to enjoy an evening like that.
    We had a beautiful day here as well, I really looked and felt like a summer day.
    Happy crafting

    Patricia xxx

  6. Gorgeous Erika.
    Not a colour combo I would ever think of using until I saw it here. Love that dark shade of purple, like aubergine.
    Fabulous sentiment, I need to take heed! More crafting and less ironing I think!

    Big hugs
    Elaine xxx

  7. Hi Erika, love that purple and white. Card is gorgeous. You need to make the most of the weather just now before it goes downhill.

    Wilma x x x

  8. So nice, so so nice !!!


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x