Sunday, July 14, 2013

Missing in action on Friday.......but was in stamping heaven!

Whoops, no post on Friday last week but that is because I was out and about having fun.  To start with I went to The Papeterie in Aberdeen to watch Barbara Gray's demonstration.  I love Barbara's style of stamping and she is a natural demonstrator. 

Irene and I had a lovely crafty day out, stopping for a couple of statutory coffee shop revivals on route!
Here are a couple of my favourite cards from Barbara's selection.....

I love how she layers her cards using a brayer with lots of stamps and inks creating 3d images on a flat card. 
This is a technique I really need to practise more.  Now where did I put that brayer!

After our trip through to Aberdeen and stops for "yummies" I came home to an empty house as we'd been invited to a BBQ down on the village beach.  I wish I'd taken some photos.  I have never seen the beach so busy so late in the day.  It was a wonderful barmy warm evening and if I hadn't needed to be up bright and early Saturday for work I think I'd stayed late into the evening.  The kids were happy popping in and out of the sea, sunshine, fab location, good friends and yummy food....what more do you need?
A great finish to a lovely day.

Yesterday was spent at work and then again down in the harbour for a dook. 
We have got to make use of all this lovely weather whilst it is here don't you agree?
This was followed by a cheeky M & S Chinese meal, nomn, nomn, and my is a Saturday night and I can! 
All washed down by a bottle of Crabbies Scottish Raspberry Ginger beer.  Have you tried one?  Oh my, they're mighty fine and just perfect for a summer's evening. 

That's all from me today, with all the extra hours at work my daily chores are mounting, boo, hiss, but I do hope for some time to play at some point later. 
It is our village Gala this week, it started yesterday so I think we'll be out and about a lot with activities this week.  Tonight it is the family quiz....better get my thinking cap on!  There are never any crafty questions.....the thickness of card stock...die cuts...LOL.  I think I shall be relying on my QI knowledge! 
Tomorrow I am having another crafty day out so it will be another late post but I am hoping it will be worth the wait!  Mmmm, what am I going to be up to?!


  1. Glad you had a good day. And boy that ginger beer looks yum :)

    Susan x

  2. Lucky you to get to a Barbara Gray demo, she is brill.
    Sounds as if your day was just perfect, right down to the chinese M&S, Kate x

  3. love Barbara Gray. The weather had been great, Banff was amazing and the beach was mobbed.I even learnt to crochet while I was there :-) Back to work and reality tomorrow!!

  4. Barbara Gray demo must have been amazing. I was busy yesterday boo hoo. Why do two things you want to do always happen on the same day.

    Like the look of that Crabbie's Scottish Raspberry, must check it out!

    Have a great gala week.

    Kat xx

  5. Glad to hear you had such a lovely day out and ended perfectly with an M&S favourite!!

    Big hugs
    Elaine xxx

  6. Sounds like a lovely day! That ginger beer sounds delicious!


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x