Wednesday, March 06, 2013

What's on your Work desk this Wednesday, 196.

Hello, I've missed WOYWW the last few weeks.  Boy I've missed the bimble around all things crafty.  Why haven't I been?  I don't really have a great reason just cracking on with other bits and bobs that need doing, walking the pup, jobs around the house etc...  Nothing very exciting at all.  On the up note the cleaning of my craft room is getting better and I can now see both my computer desk and crafting desk....there is even floor space which has been swept too!  The mind boggles.  Don't believe me look at these desks.....

The beauty of tidying is that you find stash you have yet to play with.  Today when I've done my housework I intend to have a play with these Stamping up goodies.  The MS punch I was using yesterday and Tim's flower die has been used in an earlier project on my blog but I'm keeping it out just in case I have another go at his present Tattered Floral challenge.
My computer desk....

Copic markers at the ready in the corner next to my small Archival pad plus a cup of tea which I'm tucking into whilst writing this.  Across the other side my phone, just in case someone tries to get hold of me in it's gorjuss case.

Why not visit our lovely hostess with the for more details and desks.  I'll be back later this afternoon for a hop about.

Later today hubby is taking me out for lunch as it was our Anniversary at the weekend.  With him away last week, working nights at the weekend plus I was working too.....we had no time to!

I'll be back tomorrow with our next Sugar bowl challenge for you. 
Have a great Wednesday and thanks for popping by.  x


  1. a nice desk work area Erika all set for some more crafty mayhem...thanks for sharing...happy WOYWW...hugs kath (28) xxx

  2. I agree that a major plus in cleaning up the craft room I find so much great stuff I haven't even used! Which your gorjuss case reminds me that I have some new gorjuss stamps that I haven't played around with! Thanks!

    Have fun crafting!
    Belinda (88)

  3. Hope you have a super lunch
    Happy Wednesday

  4. Enjoy your lunch out and Happy Anniversary to you both <3
    You have a Lovely neat desk to create on now, look forward to seeing what you create.
    Happy WOYWW Heather #59

  5. Love to see everyone's crafty space .... Yes tiding up a pain, but it's amazing what you can descover, hugs Juls x

  6. happy belated anniversary to you both
    You have been working really hard with the tidy up project and as you say you find some little gems to play with
    Have a great WOYWW thank you for sharing your workspace today
    Ria #39

  7. Hi Erika, well, you have been busy and your desks looks the perfect work space now. Shaving foam - I'm colouring paper with it. There are quite a number of YouTube demos on how to do this, here's the link to one:

    and Sue Wilson demonstrated how to do it on C&C this week - I missed it but the result is gorgeous, here's the link to her blog:

    Hope you've had a great WOYWW. Elizabeth x #26

  8. Happy anniversary for you 2 !

  9. Anonymous7:25 pm

    I always wondered if I'd get through an inkpad that big or whether it would dry out before I could use it! Nice to see a clean desk again, I like cleaning my desk, makes me feel good!

    Brenda 104

  10. Hey there, it's fab to see you back again!! And you've been busy, I see...that's one tidy desk you've shown us today :). I'm in total agreement with you about the benefits of tidying...I'm always astounded at what I turn up from the bottom of my fabric stash! How can I forget stuff so easily?? Ah well, the pleasure of a surprise find is not to be underestimated :)
    Hugs, LLJ 32 xx

  11. the beauty of WOYWW is that you can drop in as and when you fancy! I like a bit of tidying when it reveals the odd new toy...hope you had a fun afternoon with the thought of doing the challenge!

  12. Okay when you are done cleaning your room you can come clean mine and I will let you play with all the stash in the room of doom! Deal? Thanks for dropping by and visiting at my desk! I enjoyed getting a peak at your projects and looking yours! Have a great week. Vickie #11

  13. I call it shopping my stash! Amazing what one finds when cleaning up. :) A belated Happy Ann'y to you! Happy WOYWW! Nan #3

  14. Love that kidney shape of your desk.
    I know what you mean about not having time but WOYWW is a bit of religion with me these days and my crafting sometimes suffers because I HAVE to do it.
    Congratulations on your Anniversary, have a lovely time.
    Thanks for the earlier visit, just got back from my trip.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Happy belated anniversary and have a great time out to celebrate. In the meantime, your desk is so tidy, just ready for another good session of crafting. Thank you for your visit and I hope you manage to get all your cards done for this month. August has now turned into my worst month, with all but one member of one large family being born or married in that month. Today will not be a crafting day as I need to make bread this afternoon, but I can plan in my head. Have a good week. xx Maggie #37

  16. Happy Anniversary - hope lunch was nice. It' always nice when the craft room is momentarily clean and tidy.
    April #145

  17. Hi there great desk. Know what you mean re tidying up and finding 'new' stuff to play with :-) hope you had a lovely lunch . Sorry I'm late visiting. Thanks for popping by mine. Anne x @ 65

  18. When you are done clearing your craft room, do you fancy popping over to do mine? It is amazing what you find when you have a clear up though isn't it? Brads is always my odd surprise as half the time I haven't had them out since the last clean up and yet they turn up in the oddest of places! What is that all about?
    Hugs and new paintings up tomorrow!

  19. Thanks for visiting me. Gosh tidy workspace! Wish mine looked like that! jenx


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x