Wednesday, May 02, 2012


It's hump day again and what's on your work desk?
I've got a batch of new Spellbinders for a class I'm running in Aberdeen at the Papeterie on the last Sunday this month.  Better get my thinking cap on!
Today is going to be a day of catching up.  I've got some work to redo as I'm not happy with it and then some orders to crack on with....when I've got all that done I can play.
So here's my tidy desk....not!

Can't wait to open these beauties and play!
Why not pop on over to Julia's fine blog and catch up with many more WOYWW folk....lots of lovely crafty space out there. 
It only remains for me to say thank you so much for popping over today and I'll leave you with a joke my father sent me recently.

It was entertainment night at the Senior
Citizens’ Centre.

Claude the hypnotist) explained, "I'm here
to put you into a trance. I intend to
hypnotise each and every member of this

The excitement was almost electric as
Claude withdrew a beautiful antique watch
from his coat.

"I want each of you to keep your eyes on this antique
watch.  It's a very special watch, been in my family for
six generations!"

He began to swing the watch gently back and forth
while quietly chanting, "Watch the watch, watch the
watch ..."

The crowd became mesmerised as the watch swayed
back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface.
A hundred pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch
until suddenly, the chain broke.

It slipped from the hypnotist's fingers and fell to the
floor, breaking into a hundred pieces.

"SH*T!", yelled the hypnotist.


Claude was never invited back.

I know not in the best of taste but it did make me laugh.  Have a great Wednesday whatever you are up to.  x


  1. Hi erika..looks you are in for a spellbinding the joke..had me spluttering into my coffee..happy WOYWW..hugs kath (59)

  2. Ooooooooooooo wish this was my desk ♥♥

  3. lol, just the kind of toilet humour that appeals to me ;)
    can't wait to see what you have in store for the Papeterie classes

  4. Dont bother opening those dies, just post them onto me... LOL .

    It looks like you need to sit and play, I insist.

    Eliza #19

  5. love those spellbinders
    thank you for the peep around your crafting area this week
    Vicky #107
    ps could you let me know if you visit, I have visited you as I always visit (if possible) back everyone whom visits me.
    pps my candy is still open, 2 saturated canary digi's of your choice.

  6. ...oooo new Spellbinders, looks like heaven has landed on your desk in the form of this little lot...happy crafting...Mel :) #34

  7. Love your new Spellbinders, you will have lots of fun playing with those! I had to laugh at the joke, very funny LOL!! May share that one with hubby if you don't mind?

    Have a great WOYWW and a lovely week, hugs, Karen xx #12

  8. Creative desk;-)
    Lovely new spellbinders!
    Happy WOYWW Wednesday!

    Hugs Marleen #25

  9. That story made me laugh out loud, glad I was not drinking me tea at the time! Love those new dies, I think I spy Sue Wilson's die in there, the one that looks like lattice. Hope you have fun with your class/demos. Anne x #44

  10. Ooo, love the dies, especially the grand Dhalia (is it?).Also love the long reach stapler.Nothing wrong with a bit of toilet humour, just wish I'd gone for a p before reading it (woman of a certain age) lol
    Lottie x 133

  11. Rofl!

    Spellbinders look good. Them and new distress inks. You are very lucky :-)

  12. Oh oh I looove your desk !!! :-)))

  13. ha ha ha I loved your joke and its great to laugh. Your desk looks really interesting with all those dies on. Cant wait to see what you come up with for your class, wish I lived a bit closer. Tracey x ±90

  14. your joke made me smile
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #38

  15. What lovely new toys you have to play with! Can't wait to see what you create!
    Happy WOYWW

  16. Love those spellbinders you are going to be sooooo busy... can't wait to see what you create!! The story really did make me LOL... Hugs May x x x#32

  17. Lol at the joke :) Looks you are in for lots of fun dont you just love to play with new stuff :) Sandy #109

  18. Oooh Spellbinders, fab! Thanks for popping by! Take care & enjoy this WOYWW offerings! Zo xx 75

  19. Ohhh lots of lovely spellbinders to play with - enjoy! - thanks for sharing - Hazel #10 x

  20. awesome the new spellbinders dies! Still giggling from the joke...I am def passing that one on!!Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog I enjoy reading them. Have a great week. Vickie #91


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x