Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mote tagtastic fun!

Oh I missed my What's on your Workdesk Wednesday yesterday but in my defence you can't see my desk just now.  Time for a quick tidy after posting today before cracking on with my ironing! 
In truth my craft room needs more than a quick tidy. 
My husband has got me some fabulous map tables to go into my craft space but first I need to paint them and make room for them.  I will keep you informed of my progress but don't expect it to be fast.  I have a demo coming up in Inverness next weekend so I am waiting with anticipation to see what I will get in my wee box of goodies for then.  That will come first.  Me thinks I may need to have a bit of a clear out to make space too.  Time to be brutal!
Back to today and I have the last of my tags from the Elgin demo, this technique proved to be popular on the day;

To create the tag background I ran Weathered wood ink pad direct to the tag and then embossed it with clear embossing powder then heat.  I took my distress tool with Walnut stain and covered the entire tag wiping back off the embossed areas when finished....this seems to create a sort of leather's really "sick" (as my kids would say) or "awesome" (Americanism) or "neat" if you are me!
I distressed the edge of the tag and added more stain before stamping with Marion Emberson stamps "Birds and trees"and "Just because".  The bird and the leaves are added separately.  Finally I added ribbons from my stash to co-ordinate.
I think I could really get into this tag art....I can see the appeal.....a convert for definite. 
Another post done and dusted now down to the fun part of clearing, hiss!


  1. Love your tag, very nice effect !

  2. Vry pretty! What a great background you made! I can see that it can be addicting! Patsy

  3. Sick, awesome and neat all describe your tag perfectly!

  4. It does have a leathery look to it! I will be trying this a bit later, thanks for sharing your idea

  5. that is really neat! I didn't realize that weathered wood could create that effect. Thank you so much for sharing.


Thank you very much for taking the time out to leave a comment on my wee blog. Happy crafting, Erika. x