Thursday, December 10, 2015

I'm still waiting.

Today didn't turn out as planned.  The morning was good.  A long walk with the dog along the beach with the "wake you up" freshness that is a Scottish winter morning.  Back home I had my cleaning head on.  This doesn't happen very often so I took full advantage of it.  The front room and bathroom were bottomed as was one of the boys bedrooms.
I'm now waiting!
My suite was supposed to be delivered between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. which meant I had to make arrangements for my eldest to get home via different means and for the dog to be walked as I waited. It is now after 7 p.m and I am still sat's just like watching paint dry.

Only I have to say without the sofa!
I'm now beginning to wish I'd ordered from work and not DFS at Inverness.
Up to now the after service hasn't been great.
Am I the only one that gets frustrated waiting for a delivery especially if they don't come when they say they will?  Surely I can't be?
I don't really feel I can start something in case I have to stop in mid flow.
Not a happy bunny today but hopefully they might make it before bedtime?!


Barb said...

Incredibly frustrating Erika! Hope it's arrived now. Barbxx

Diane said...

Super frustrating Erika, when things are not delivered on time. Your walk sure sounded lovely.

Hugs Diane

Carol said...

Hope you're sitting comfortably by now Erika! Hate it too...quite easy to pick up a phone and let you know. Carol x

Lau W said...

Hoe this is ok now !! :-(