Friday, June 20, 2014

Share an oldie this Friday.

Morning all and how the devil are you this Friday?
If you read my blog you will know that I might not be feeling the brightest today so I have taken the opportunity to schedule this post....just in case.
Are you joining me with a crafty oldie this Friday?

Today I have another card for you and this was for one of my eldest boys birthdays.

I saw this digi image over on Mo Mannings site and just had to have it for my eldest boy.
Always head down with one gadget or another.  I thought it was appropriate to his age.
The papers I have used are green SU textured card and Kaiser scrapbook photo friendly.  The rub ons are from daisyd's birthday descriptive words and letraset.  Hemp cord from True Hemp.
"Hi there" cloth sticker from my stash and invisible stitching on machine, coloured with copic pens, tag punch from stash, ink by Ranger Distress ink tea dye.

If you are joining me this Friday don't forget to leave a comment below so I can visit your blog and see your oldie too.  Sharing the crafty loooovvve!
Enjoy your weekend guys.  No work for me tomorrow, feet up and chillaxing....mind you I am hoping to get quite a bit of crafting done as I'm not allowed to do my regular chores.  Always a silver lining!  x


Jacki Daniels said...

Hi Erika sorry haven't been around for a while not been doing much lately and then decided to change blogs and start again
I am keeping everything crossed for feel better soon
this is a great guy card might have to get that image myself
Take care
Jacki xx

Patricia said...

Good afternoon Erika, hope all is well.
Love this brilliant card, great image, papers and design.
Would be perfect for any you lad these days.
You see more of the top of their heads than their faces!!!
Have a chilling weekend
Hugs a plenty

Patricia xx

Hazel said...

Good evening Erika, I hope you are sitting with your feet up? Great card for a young lad, yes most of them have a gadget in there hand and a bent head. Then again I know doubt we did something that our parents didn't like too.
I have put up an oldie tonight did mean to get it up on my blog earlier but time disappeared, but it's there now. You take it easy. Hazel xx

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Erika, I hope you are feeling better and taking it easy.
Great teen card, love it, we all know youngsters like this.
I've joined in, have a restful weekend, hugs Kate x

Gail said...
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Gail said...

Fab card and perfect for a 12 year old lad xx I understand that you are not 100% so sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery xx I have posted some old cards on Friday but yesterday's was a new one - I only started taking photos of my cards when I realised that I was stuck for ideas and they were for my reference so not amazing quality images - never expected to be sharing them on a blog!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx GailT xx

Debs cards said...

Afternoon Erica sorry I missed this one Ive not been too well. And im a lot better now so im catching up. I love this card and the design is great.
Debs xx